Classic tune. Classic 16×16. Classic sinus. Classic mirror… The upper part is althou kinda… But OK, OK.. It is OK….
5 years ago
Classic, beautiful tune (ah the childhood memories!) and it was the tune used in an intro by an Italian group for the Pang crack!
Love the colors on the smooth sine scroll, although I share Wayne’s opinion that the logo isn’t the best. Overall this intro deserves an 8/10, we’ll see in a few years whether I’ll change my mind regarding that.
Sine-scroller, Copper mirror, starfield, lovely tune, simple but pixeled logo – cool! <3
Whenever I hear this zik I think about this crack intro
Classic tune. Classic 16×16. Classic sinus. Classic mirror… The upper part is althou kinda… But OK, OK.. It is OK….
Classic, beautiful tune (ah the childhood memories!) and it was the tune used in an intro by an Italian group for the Pang crack!
Love the colors on the smooth sine scroll, although I share Wayne’s opinion that the logo isn’t the best. Overall this intro deserves an 8/10, we’ll see in a few years whether I’ll change my mind regarding that.
Not bad, the logo isn’t the best but everything hangs together well…
Logo with stars in it – my eye spots a gfx artist with c64 history/influences. Sweet little package of an intro; it all fits nicely together.
That is an obscure detail; well spotted sir, well spotted!
Ok, this one works perfect! Good logo, good music, a cool scroller and a starfield – nice stuff 🙂
Nice reflection on the sinescroll. Is it just my eyes or did they “rework” this logo from Titanics cruncher (decrunches while loading)
It is similar, but definitely not a rework: