Hello dudes! This archive contains the unfinished trainermenu I've started to work on for the release group Xenophobia (months ago...). I was about implementing the selection-bar (the red bar) and the trainer-code itself (so this is where I have been stuck), fyi. Since I really don't have time anymore working on this and the source is now about 3 months old, I thought it is a good idea to release the source so ppl. can take a look at it, maybe use it for own productions? At least you are free to do so :-) Assemble this piece with No$GBA's A22i Assembler (Start.a22). The "arm7_hook" in Intro.a22 is BS, you can remove it, just a test (afair). The idea of the intro comes from an old Amiga intro I loved these days (especially the color-scheme and the bubbles :-)) Hope you can use it somehow and/or create more cool trainers for NDS, although I don't think there will ever be more trainers on NDS since every cheap flashcard includes an Action-Replay module ;-/ - oh well, too bad :-( And well while you're at it, give a call to this BBS: ________________ _ | ______///// / _____ - -- --------------. .----- - | _____/_ __ ___ _ _______| |__ _ ....:::. | | .:.. __| :::... \ | \ ___/_ _//// / / ..:::: | | :::. \ ::::::... \ l \ / \ ...::::' | | `::.. \____________/_ ________/_ _____/l_____l__\ic! .----' `--. | | FAiRLiGHT [G-HQ] - LiGHTFORCE [W-HQ] - TRiBE [G-HQ] `------. | _____________ ....:::. | .--' __/:::.... . /______ MiND TERRORiSTS [W-HQ] ..::: | | .::::... \ ::::.______/ /_________________ ...:::: | | :::.. ____\_______ \ _/_ \ . \ _ \_ _ ..:::: | | ::::... \ / \ \_ \ l \ ャ __//// / ...:: | | `:::.... \________________/___l_____/______/ | ..::' | `-.------- - - - l_______| - -- ------.' | | | | `----------------------------------------------------------------------' :-) - A little bit nostalgia LOL! best regards, Illusion&x / Paradox Quote of the day: "I'd rather get an electrical shock from sucking Mecha-Godzillas mechanical weener" ;-D Source: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/angry-video-screwattack/55450, Angry Video Game Nerd: Godzilla. Thanks James, you rock! ;)
Bad Brothers – Music Line Editor
Publication author offline 1 week mus@shi9 0 Comments: 1167Publics: 2814Registration: 06-03-2017
@Mr. Curious: I guess I’m about a year late on this, but I too have been watching Photon’s tutorials to great benefit (especially to my AsmOne skill, which is steadily aggrandizing). You may want to let Photon know over at EAB that you really appreciate the tuts. I did. I still haven’t downloaded all of them yet and haven’t watched all of them yet.
Fantastic learner tutorials ;D I learnt a couple of thigns from watching them
Me again, just bumped into this, sorry if this was mentioned on flashtro before, did not scan the forum, you might like this: Amiga demo coding basics by Photon: https://www.youtube.com/user/ScoopexUs/videos
Wanted to d/l the source, but the link seems missing, maybe intentionally. I reconstructed it:(add   &a=dl  immediately after the url ):www.flashtro.com/index.php?e=page&c=NDS Sources&id=2187&a=dlNice, will have a look at it…
Thanks a lot, It’s very cool to share your code. 🙂