done by the twins. former OKS coders and locals(not today anymore), some years after this, they did games for Factor5/HudsonSoft, games like B.C.Kid for example… and other sega/snes crap… very fine Dudes…
That’s a pretty weak “tube scroller”, in fact there is no tube effect at all just a copperlist that makes it look a little bit tubular 🙂 Still, not bad for its time – but WoW had several much better intros!
That’s a funny looking tube / barrel / corkscrew scroller there at the bottom. Copper shading is (to my eyes anyway) all wrong – it makes the middle of the “back” of the letters look like it curves closer to the viewer rather than further away. Also the way the roll over has been done the letters looks very separate from each other – not sure how to explain it any better than that. I like the font and colours on the top scroller and the way it flips is nice too. Minor niggles aside, I’d say this is still… Read more »
Forgot to say, i actually really love the spiral font. i remember it from a cool intro with a naked lady screenscraper. I can’t remember the name of the group though.. something with 42??
done by the twins. former OKS coders and locals(not today anymore), some years after this, they did games for Factor5/HudsonSoft, games like B.C.Kid for example… and other sega/snes crap… very fine Dudes…
That’s a pretty weak “tube scroller”, in fact there is no tube effect at all just a copperlist that makes it look a little bit tubular 🙂 Still, not bad for its time – but WoW had several much better intros!
That’s a funny looking tube / barrel / corkscrew scroller there at the bottom. Copper shading is (to my eyes anyway) all wrong – it makes the middle of the “back” of the letters look like it curves closer to the viewer rather than further away. Also the way the roll over has been done the letters looks very separate from each other – not sure how to explain it any better than that. I like the font and colours on the top scroller and the way it flips is nice too. Minor niggles aside, I’d say this is still… Read more »
Man.. I loved the action here. Yes, I know it does not match any standard today but back then I would have been proud to have coded one 😀
Forgot to say, i actually really love the spiral font. i remember it from a cool intro with a naked lady screenscraper. I can’t remember the name of the group though.. something with 42??
Not pretty, but thumbs up for oldschoolishnes.