I find it hard to be overly critical of these intros because a lot of factors come into play. Sure, to the outsider who is presented with this as his first Amiga cracktro experience, there is much to be critical about, but in consideration as to where the design level and general coding skills were at that time, its too easy to say “its a bit crap” when rolling copperbars and modulo scrollers were the new thing that people copied and tried to better. We all loved those Vision and Fairlight/Northstar megademos at the time, but after Mental Hangover, they… Read more »
We all loved those Vision and Fairlight/Northstar megademos at the time, but after Mental Hangover, they were pretty much killed off instantly. Perhaps that’s my problem when looking at all of this: my baseline is Crionics and the Silents’ “Hardwired”. (I’m going over to “YouTube” to watch “Mental Hangover” again, just to get a refresher, as I marveled at “Hardwired” again last night.) Post scriptum: yeah okay, the graphics are alright, the tune is horrible, the code is okay, but it comes nowhere close to “Hardwired”: where “Hardwired” is a trifecta of technology, design and atmosphere, “Mental Hangover” is a… Read more »
3 years ago
I really do not want to be dragged into your quarrel, but 1) The term “autistic” should not be used to insult other people. Autism is – depending on its grade – a serious disorder. 2) The ability of creating something (coding, drawing, composing etc.) should not be a prerequisite for being allowed to give a comment, though – according to my opinion – it is surely helpful to give a more profound comment. 3) What is wrong with Sheldon? I think he is in a certain and annoying way fairly entertaining. 4) Do not take things so seriously and… Read more »
Yeah, legendary one. Echoing will always be one of my fav cracktro mods ever made, so many memories… As for the design it may seem funny but for me it’s just pure Copper love, so very Amiga… Love it! <3
I follow Flashtro since many years as a ‘spectator’, who appreciate these intros, cracktros a lot and all of your work to keep these alive, but I had to register just because of this song.
It was one of the first MODs I’ve ever heard, and it wasn’t on Amiga, but on PC – I have this module since like 1990 under the name ‘echo.mod’.
It’s called ‘echoing.mod’ from Banana / TEK (Christof Mühlan).
Sorry, I had to add this. :))
I’m still a big fan of thoses background fx + scrolltext filling and intros flooding the screen with colors.
A good reason to come to Amiga, ans so to come to Flashtro ! Thx M9
I hereby put a blanket ban on bitching about the design and aesthetic choices made by 15 year-olds in their bedrooms over 30 years ago 🙂 Let’s just savour this timeless beauty for what it is.
Hey! I was in the same role at the same time and I didn’t make bad aesthetic choices, and neither did many other people like Nomad or Conqueror and Zike or SCSI or Rog, so why couldn’t these blokes?!? What the fuck!
Why would you want to ban any dissent of opinion? That’s like willinginly wanting repression.
I don’t really have the authority to ban anything, of course, and that’s a good thing. But all this negative emotion over the colour choices in computer game crack intros from the past might be more usefully aimed at some of the other wrongs in the world, non? This isn’t a talent showcase for high art. For me and I suspect others here, this site is a little shot of nostalgia. That’s reflected in the comments, and it explains why even an unreadable yellow+purple abomination with hideous sound can be positively received. I’ll say it again: there are other things… Read more »
I’m not trying to troll you, what would be the point? To each his own, for you it’s nostalgia, for me it’s nostalgia + a showcase of high art: to me intros are art, very much so. These garish, awful colors and a hastily “I don’t give a shit” slapped “World of Wonders” logo are anything but art though. It’s a personality trait of mine: I do not understand how someone coding an intro could not have given a shit, and if they did give a shit, then they just didn’t have a design streak in them. It happens: there… Read more »
Do you actually have friends, then ?, with this Sheldon Cooper type behaviour, ? belittling people that may not have your top notch qualities ? you’re clearly in the autism spectrum. I find you extremely annoying.
Thank you for giving me a piece of your mind. Yes I have friends, although that is not the point you are trying to make: rather, you are implying that someone like me wouldn’t have any, is that correct? By the by, I am not autistic. You are however correct in your assesment that I am cynical. Not only am I cynical, but extremely jaded as well. You may find me annoying, that is your prerogative, you are free to think whatever you wish. It is my prerogative to be honest and write what I think, and among other things… Read more »
you probably have friends,when sharing the same cynical mindset, i just find it hard to believe you have friends that are capable of expressing empathy in a certain way. Admiring people for being brilliant is a different ballgame. anyone can. Burning down people for not being brilliant is -form my point of view- a dangerous characteristic. People are not born excelling at stuff, one needs to make mistakes and learn, become better (if one aspires to ). learning stuff is the most exciting thin i can immagine, which requires making poor choices.along the way (and making some people laugh, apparently)… Read more »
My friends are very emotional and empathic people, some more emotional, some more emphatic, depending on the friend. People are not born excelling at stuff, one needs to make mistakes and learn Some people are born excelling at things – we call those natural talents. Some people get better with practice, even achieve mastery, but some people will remain lost causes no matter what they do – they just don’t have it in them. It is important to identify this last group as early on as possible, because they can, if left to their own devices, wreak an immesurable amount… Read more »
2 thumbs up for that comment, wishing i had more than two hands 😉
so true. Also wished a certain someone on this site would stop being so cynical and show his own masterpieces for us to burn down.
Agreed, that is hard for me. I’ve been crushed many a time only to have to shake it off and come out on top, but the price to pay for refusing to roll over was very high indeed: I’ve had a rough life. We all have our scars, I suppose that’s mine.
There is an intro of mine on this website. Feel free to review it, and blast me for it all you wish: https://flashtro.com/tag/titan/
…I’d rather have an honest critique than a fake praise, I hate fakery that much.
I find it hard to be overly critical of these intros because a lot of factors come into play. Sure, to the outsider who is presented with this as his first Amiga cracktro experience, there is much to be critical about, but in consideration as to where the design level and general coding skills were at that time, its too easy to say “its a bit crap” when rolling copperbars and modulo scrollers were the new thing that people copied and tried to better. We all loved those Vision and Fairlight/Northstar megademos at the time, but after Mental Hangover, they… Read more »
We all loved those Vision and Fairlight/Northstar megademos at the time, but after Mental Hangover, they were pretty much killed off instantly. Perhaps that’s my problem when looking at all of this: my baseline is Crionics and the Silents’ “Hardwired”. (I’m going over to “YouTube” to watch “Mental Hangover” again, just to get a refresher, as I marveled at “Hardwired” again last night.) Post scriptum: yeah okay, the graphics are alright, the tune is horrible, the code is okay, but it comes nowhere close to “Hardwired”: where “Hardwired” is a trifecta of technology, design and atmosphere, “Mental Hangover” is a… Read more »
I really do not want to be dragged into your quarrel, but 1) The term “autistic” should not be used to insult other people. Autism is – depending on its grade – a serious disorder. 2) The ability of creating something (coding, drawing, composing etc.) should not be a prerequisite for being allowed to give a comment, though – according to my opinion – it is surely helpful to give a more profound comment. 3) What is wrong with Sheldon? I think he is in a certain and annoying way fairly entertaining. 4) Do not take things so seriously and… Read more »
Yeah, legendary one. Echoing will always be one of my fav cracktro mods ever made, so many memories… As for the design it may seem funny but for me it’s just pure Copper love, so very Amiga… Love it! <3
My favorite intro and module ever.
I follow Flashtro since many years as a ‘spectator’, who appreciate these intros, cracktros a lot and all of your work to keep these alive, but I had to register just because of this song.
It was one of the first MODs I’ve ever heard, and it wasn’t on Amiga, but on PC – I have this module since like 1990 under the name ‘echo.mod’.
It’s called ‘echoing.mod’ from Banana / TEK (Christof Mühlan).
Sorry, I had to add this. :))
Welcome, it is people like you who are what keeps this weird site alive 😀
Thanks, @mush@shi9, but you’re the real hero here!
@Subzero: thanks, I’ll give them a go! :))
I’m still a big fan of thoses background fx + scrolltext filling and intros flooding the screen with colors.
A good reason to come to Amiga, ans so to come to Flashtro ! Thx M9
\o/ I am about to wet myself.. this is the defacto number 1 Amiga crack intro for me <3 Although, I like the movement patterns in Dugger crack more…
You like it so much you made that nice GBA tribute 🙂
Has anyone remixed this tune afterwards, and if so, where can I get that remix?
haven’t heard this tune in decades but recognized it immediately. insane! thx 4 the upload.
What is there to say about this… 1989 perfection 😛 Loved it then, still do today!
Colorful as hell and this legendary tune!! 😀
I hereby put a blanket ban on bitching about the design and aesthetic choices made by 15 year-olds in their bedrooms over 30 years ago 🙂 Let’s just savour this timeless beauty for what it is.
Hey! I was in the same role at the same time and I didn’t make bad aesthetic choices, and neither did many other people like Nomad or Conqueror and Zike or SCSI or Rog, so why couldn’t these blokes?!? What the fuck!
Why would you want to ban any dissent of opinion? That’s like willinginly wanting repression.
I don’t really have the authority to ban anything, of course, and that’s a good thing. But all this negative emotion over the colour choices in computer game crack intros from the past might be more usefully aimed at some of the other wrongs in the world, non? This isn’t a talent showcase for high art. For me and I suspect others here, this site is a little shot of nostalgia. That’s reflected in the comments, and it explains why even an unreadable yellow+purple abomination with hideous sound can be positively received. I’ll say it again: there are other things… Read more »
I’m not trying to troll you, what would be the point? To each his own, for you it’s nostalgia, for me it’s nostalgia + a showcase of high art: to me intros are art, very much so. These garish, awful colors and a hastily “I don’t give a shit” slapped “World of Wonders” logo are anything but art though. It’s a personality trait of mine: I do not understand how someone coding an intro could not have given a shit, and if they did give a shit, then they just didn’t have a design streak in them. It happens: there… Read more »
Do you actually have friends, then ?, with this Sheldon Cooper type behaviour, ? belittling people that may not have your top notch qualities ? you’re clearly in the autism spectrum. I find you extremely annoying.
Thank you for giving me a piece of your mind. Yes I have friends, although that is not the point you are trying to make: rather, you are implying that someone like me wouldn’t have any, is that correct? By the by, I am not autistic. You are however correct in your assesment that I am cynical. Not only am I cynical, but extremely jaded as well. You may find me annoying, that is your prerogative, you are free to think whatever you wish. It is my prerogative to be honest and write what I think, and among other things… Read more »
you probably have friends,when sharing the same cynical mindset, i just find it hard to believe you have friends that are capable of expressing empathy in a certain way. Admiring people for being brilliant is a different ballgame. anyone can. Burning down people for not being brilliant is -form my point of view- a dangerous characteristic. People are not born excelling at stuff, one needs to make mistakes and learn, become better (if one aspires to ). learning stuff is the most exciting thin i can immagine, which requires making poor choices.along the way (and making some people laugh, apparently)… Read more »
My friends are very emotional and empathic people, some more emotional, some more emphatic, depending on the friend. People are not born excelling at stuff, one needs to make mistakes and learn Some people are born excelling at things – we call those natural talents. Some people get better with practice, even achieve mastery, but some people will remain lost causes no matter what they do – they just don’t have it in them. It is important to identify this last group as early on as possible, because they can, if left to their own devices, wreak an immesurable amount… Read more »
2 thumbs up for that comment, wishing i had more than two hands 😉
so true. Also wished a certain someone on this site would stop being so cynical and show his own masterpieces for us to burn down.
ill doubt that the certain person is able to do this… 🙂
What exactly do you doubt that I am able to do?
Agreed, that is hard for me. I’ve been crushed many a time only to have to shake it off and come out on top, but the price to pay for refusing to roll over was very high indeed: I’ve had a rough life. We all have our scars, I suppose that’s mine.
There is an intro of mine on this website. Feel free to review it, and blast me for it all you wish:
…I’d rather have an honest critique than a fake praise, I hate fakery that much.
it’s very nice 🙂