@proton: “Alter Ego” was ported by Asman/WT from NES (NES version: Shiru, orginal idea: ZX Spectrum). The game is written in C/Asm. Asman got an approval from both NES & ZX original authors to use their binary resources for this port. The Amiga version of the game took part in RetroKomp GameDev Compo with the 5th result. The game will be soon available (for free of course) on http://www.retrokomp.org (and probably WT) web site, together with the other RK/LE’15 party stuff. As for the intro: congratz to Asman on his debut on Amiga scene, nice design (Sim1! 🙂 and original… Read more »
Ahhh! I knew I had heard of this game, I played Shiru’s NES version of it before – it’s really good. Cool job converting it to Amiga then, I look forward to trying this version out.
Thanks Sachy, just tried it out… faithful conversion of the NES version that I played, cool game indeed! Now the pressure is on Flashtro to produce a game I guess – better ask Musashi9 🙂
Happy to serve 😉 All kudos to mr. Asman, for doing all the stuff and congratz again for his scene debut. On the other hand, this is not his 1st conversion, he did Solomon’s Key and Metro-Cross 2 years ago as entries to the same party.
9 years ago
Love the old school “larger than screen” logo!!!
It has been a long time since we saw one of those!
I wonder what kind of game this is?
The C64 Alter Ego game was never ported to the AMIGA.
So, this is a new release where I can`t find anything about it???
Game download added (for those who cant access eab zone)
@proton: “Alter Ego” was ported by Asman/WT from NES (NES version: Shiru, orginal idea: ZX Spectrum). The game is written in C/Asm. Asman got an approval from both NES & ZX original authors to use their binary resources for this port. The Amiga version of the game took part in RetroKomp GameDev Compo with the 5th result. The game will be soon available (for free of course) on http://www.retrokomp.org (and probably WT) web site, together with the other RK/LE’15 party stuff. As for the intro: congratz to Asman on his debut on Amiga scene, nice design (Sim1! 🙂 and original… Read more »
Ahhh! I knew I had heard of this game, I played Shiru’s NES version of it before – it’s really good. Cool job converting it to Amiga then, I look forward to trying this version out.
Here you are Sir: http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=80188 🙂
Thanks Sachy, just tried it out… faithful conversion of the NES version that I played, cool game indeed! Now the pressure is on Flashtro to produce a game I guess – better ask Musashi9 🙂
Happy to serve 😉 All kudos to mr. Asman, for doing all the stuff and congratz again for his scene debut. On the other hand, this is not his 1st conversion, he did Solomon’s Key and Metro-Cross 2 years ago as entries to the same party.
Love the old school “larger than screen” logo!!!
It has been a long time since we saw one of those!
Fast greetz and <3 to all of Flashtro posse!
Heh – nice to see Asman getting into writing some intro code with a nice one like this.
I wonder what kind of game this is?
The C64 Alter Ego game was never ported to the AMIGA.
So, this is a new release where I can`t find anything about it???
Very cool tro with a very nice tune.
I like this one, quite original background effect. The only thing I don’t like is the tiny horizontal-sine on the logo, makes me feel a bit sick 😛
nice “escaping worms” background effect. good tune too
New stuff is always appreciated, can you add a download link?
I was hoping for the entire release?
AH, that I do not have and it isn’t on their website either. hmm maybe SIM has it.
Late answer; sorry. Nope, I do not have it either. I know AsMan was planning to finish that one day. Where is he with it now, dunno…. Will ask…