Very cute and stylish intro.
I can remember that I glanced at the original source code and that Andreas / Viernheim (closely associated with VF) sent it to me back in the days. But I am puzzling my brain if he also was the one who coded it. I cannot even recall his pseudonym. Shame on me!
Does anyone out there know and can help?
Andreas J.’s handle in Haitex was Science. Think you did the code in the dot scroller part of our Demo in the Video. i pixeled at that time. cheers to you. Stopped activities, when you guys switched to VF. Your cracktro for VF on Shadowlands with purpleshades.mod is still one of the best!
Thanks for the info. Andreas was a very kind guy with profound knowledge and I owe him a lot. Unfortunately, we’ve never managed to meet in person.
In his very last phone call, shortly after VF had died the 2nd time, he sounded very sad, almost a bit depressive, and he told me he was going to sell his Amiga, take a break of 1-2 years, and then possibly to re-enter the scene on PC.
I was speechless and shocked but soon thereafter quit as well.
Greetings from Robin the Lamer (RTL) / Haitex
The logo is really cool. How does one get the rasters to be at an angle, or is that a graphics pattern being scrolled continuously?
11 years ago
It’s 0:27 on the 31st of December in 2013 and I am counting the minutes on my clock here in Singapore …
I visited in 2004 for the first time and I want to thank M9 for 10 years of pleasure, joy and mind blowing journeys to the past! … Happy New Year 2014 to all you residents here! 😉
A classic.. simple as that! (I never liked the small horizontal waving on the sine scroller. Actually, it annoyed back then and still annoys me like mad)
Twintris cracktro…er… Atomix cracktro kixx!! One of THE BEST VF intros!
And the tune – just awesome!
Cheers! \o/
Very cute and stylish intro.
I can remember that I glanced at the original source code and that Andreas / Viernheim (closely associated with VF) sent it to me back in the days. But I am puzzling my brain if he also was the one who coded it. I cannot even recall his pseudonym. Shame on me!
Does anyone out there know and can help?
Andreas J.’s handle in Haitex was Science. Think you did the code in the dot scroller part of our Demo in the Video. i pixeled at that time. cheers to you. Stopped activities, when you guys switched to VF. Your cracktro for VF on Shadowlands with purpleshades.mod is still one of the best!
Thanks for the info. Andreas was a very kind guy with profound knowledge and I owe him a lot. Unfortunately, we’ve never managed to meet in person.
In his very last phone call, shortly after VF had died the 2nd time, he sounded very sad, almost a bit depressive, and he told me he was going to sell his Amiga, take a break of 1-2 years, and then possibly to re-enter the scene on PC.
I was speechless and shocked but soon thereafter quit as well.
Greetings from Robin the Lamer (RTL) / Haitex
Greetings to you, too. He is in my contact list in the business network that starts with x. Can send you the link via pm
The logo is really cool. How does one get the rasters to be at an angle, or is that a graphics pattern being scrolled continuously?
It’s 0:27 on the 31st of December in 2013 and I am counting the minutes on my clock here in Singapore …
I visited in 2004 for the first time and I want to thank M9 for 10 years of pleasure, joy and mind blowing journeys to the past! … Happy New Year 2014 to all you residents here! 😉
nice background effect!
As said years earlier …
This one is purely delicious & a legend in itself!
Love it …
yeah should be suntronic as the ending is ".SUN"
No, i think it’s made with Felix Schmidt’s own format, "suntronic" if i remember correctly (?)
Amazing intro, is the tune written in future composer ?
This cracktro can do no wrong … pure genius at the time
fantastic one … one of the best crachtros on amiga!!! B)
fantastic old VF stuff. one of the best intros ever!
a pure symphony in its assembly…
A classic.. simple as that! (I never liked the small horizontal waving on the sine scroller. Actually, it annoyed back then and still annoys me like mad)
OCD much? 🙂
Really nice intro, and really nice music too
Pretty much flawless this one.
very nice stuff by fraxion for vf. shame on them, they stole the idea of waynek years before he redid the copperbar kalisto psx stuff.
janer1 won the race again…
Simply one of the best crack intros.
top 10 material here, atomix is a great game too.
One word. CLASSIC !
I like this intro, although I wish they hadn’t ripped off my Kalisto PSX copper bars 😛
one of the best forever!! with this tune nobody can go wrong!also the logos are really nice looking