great NDS intro…top notch and FLT tune adds extra class. @Daison: If you want to see multicolor logos with (simulated) raster effects around them look at much of The Phantom/FOE’s old stuff. He used extended background color mode on the c64 to achieve that same look as you seen in the NDS logo above. He did it quite a lot. PM me for some specific examples.
Remember cracktro’s are usually homages to other intro’s though 😉
Looks very c64-ish, But I’ve never seen a multicolor logo with a rastereffect around it tho
So cute, love all the rasters and especially the scroller for some reason – different from all the other NDS intros lately (for a start it doesn’t re-use that sinescroll code!).
great NDS intro…top notch and FLT tune adds extra class. @Daison: If you want to see multicolor logos with (simulated) raster effects around them look at much of The Phantom/FOE’s old stuff. He used extended background color mode on the c64 to achieve that same look as you seen in the NDS logo above. He did it quite a lot. PM me for some specific examples.
Remember cracktro’s are usually homages to other intro’s though 😉
Looks very c64-ish, But I’ve never seen a multicolor logo with a rastereffect around it tho
yeah this is cool, reminds me of a remember crack intro…
Great one. But somehowe I dun like the Fairlight theme conversion. Too up-to-dated. Anyway, good one, as I said!
I like this, cool 🙂 64 4eva lol
nice logo and scroller. funny sound .. like it. nice intro
Wow, WayneK is still around! Nice to see you still slacking as usual. Cheers, h/CPL
Hehe.. nice stuff. Keep it up med!
Quite ok but a bad fairlight theme conversion.
Bonus points for ‘decrypting’ the phone numbers 😛
ah i thought it is fairlight..i dont was sure 100% thx cewlout!
The tune is from the game "Fairlight" I believe. Playback of the tune is a little bit f*uped sounds different on C64.
Oh and… well done Venom! More of these!
from wich c64 game is this tune again ? ..hmmmmm… anyway looks nice and i am glad that there are more and more nds ´tros 🙂
So cute, love all the rasters and especially the scroller for some reason – different from all the other NDS intros lately (for a start it doesn’t re-use that sinescroll code!).
pure C64 look.. but the tune could have been a bit better