Unbelievably cool color arrangement on the Kefrens bars. It’s funny how this sort of color scheme is accepted and enjoyed by Amiga folks – yet on the popular 64 hangouts, everyone gets their panties in a wad unless you use the same ol’ boring paisly scheme and dithering that the popular groups wore out 15 years ago. 😉 ….and yeah, I agree with most that this tune is mediocre.
Nice rainbow colors. Song looks sometimes weird or is it due to replay routine ?
This effect (keftales right ?) was a must-do for every coder at that time, was it tricky coding or was there many ways to do it (pure coding against trick) ?
Sanitize my verticals (pun intended 😉 Gotta love those bars. A bit more sexy font and non-randomized Uncle Tom zik and this one would have been a killer!
Unbelievably cool color arrangement on the Kefrens bars. It’s funny how this sort of color scheme is accepted and enjoyed by Amiga folks – yet on the popular 64 hangouts, everyone gets their panties in a wad unless you use the same ol’ boring paisly scheme and dithering that the popular groups wore out 15 years ago. 😉 ….and yeah, I agree with most that this tune is mediocre.
Nice rainbow colors. Song looks sometimes weird or is it due to replay routine ?
This effect (keftales right ?) was a must-do for every coder at that time, was it tricky coding or was there many ways to do it (pure coding against trick) ?
Bars plus diagonal scroll – cool.
Wow, what a cool intro! Minimalist design, nice color scheme, avantgarde scroller.
I concur with what everybody else says about the tune, looks like we have consensus (:-)
Sanitize my verticals (pun intended 😉 Gotta love those bars. A bit more sexy font and non-randomized Uncle Tom zik and this one would have been a killer!
no sound on my ipad
The music is not my cup of tea, but the rest is quite cool.
Sounds a bit like someone ran an Uncle Tom tune through a randomizer…
Great vertical copper stuff tho, good-looking intro.
hi res? – looks fantastic, sounds great too
Very beautiful effect and nice tune. Quite different from the usual stuff, I like it.