Shadow of the Beast 2 – Cracking Tutorial [French]
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Someone know who wrote this tutorial and how to contact him?
Alpha One is name og group not a hacker ?
But notter, If someone know how to contact him, I am very, VERY interested for a new tutorial will creating a diskversion.
VERY VERY interested !
Don’t hesitate to contact me.
Alpha One is a person (not a group) and he is very active here. Just see this discussion, three posts up – that’s him.
Yep !
Great stuff !
Starting this game from memory is great but I would have liked a ‘standard’ version.
I Think it’s too big to fit only on 1 disk, but in 2 disks, it will be great.
(like other tuto for turrican2 or turrican3)
if someone wants to create the code in this way, i take it 🙂
Moin Manfred, 🙂
Yop!, Has part 2 of the tutorial ever been released somewhere?
First off frigging excellent tutorial Can’t believe it has taken 20+ years for me to discover this . Had phun going through this tutorial, and thought I would share a few things I found, and questions I have pondered. I used winuae. 1. Noticed that when I had JIT turned on, had better luck getting code to run/compile, without Turrican crashing straight after compiling..With it off, it doesnt load, but code does compiles? Maybe my version of winuae? Not sure why this might be? Maybe of use to others. 2. A little side thing I pondered/noticed when I ran Turrican… Read more »
@WK: I can confirm Phil Douglas was using the hardware as early as probably ’91-’92. I do not know whether he wrote the tool…
LS: That sounds awesome 🙂 I don’t think MFMWarp came along until 1993/94-ish (as a public release, anyway). Sybil was part of an Apple Macintosh emulator, and the hardware controlled the drive speed (amongst other things) so that you could read Mac disks on an Amiga – some clever people realised that this hardware could be used to write normally unwritable custom formats back to disk and you would have your very own instant original!I think it was Phil Douglas who wrote SybilWarp, but I honestly can’t remember.If you could dig up any of your old source/routines, feel free to… Read more »
WayneK: The tools you mention ring no bell to me. I stopped cracking in 1991, so that could be the reason. Mine had a “plug-in” architecture where I could either include a modded hardware loader from the game (with proper allocated memory for MFM read buffer/decode buffer) + support for a RAW format where I would enter a tracktable of sync words + data length (and then do the decoding later..)
Yes! a warp tutorial would be great, I always hear about them but I have never read anything about how to use them.
LS / WayneK: Sounds very interesting… tutorial please!! 🙂
Yes, every cracker had his own custom warper which allowed things like this – I think Ferox’s MFMWarp was the first to allow you to make a kind of “plugin” by ripping the games loader/format, without having to reassemble the whole tool 🙂 Of course if you were ‘serious’ about it, you had Sybil hardware so you could write your own ‘original’ making things much easier!
True. Had a custom warper where I could include the game’s mfm-loader, so that the supplier (usually in a different country) could read the non-DOS tracks for me. Having actual physical access to the original was a rare luxury!
LS: If you really wanted a ‘real’ crack, he would have to crack it from warps instead of a physical disk 🙂
LS: Sure, but the tutorial is already long enough. 🙂
At last, a ‘real’ crack. Some of us even cracked MFM games using mem from $100 – $7ffff, without mem. expansion on vanilla 512kb A1000’s.
Thanks you !!!! This is a long and great job !! I await with interest your next production !!! \o/
Heh nice one. The trial-and-error type of fixing the CRC was great 😉
Wayne: Nah I didn’t look at the crc code itself. In this case it was
really – like written in the tut – a short trial and error. 🙂
Interesting one, nicely done A1 🙂
All the extra bootblock stuff (before loading the intro exe to $60000) is just to check for extramem (first FAST, then CHIP) – if it’s found the stuff you skipped over in the loader caches files in the allocated extramem (so you probably want to put all that stuff back when you make it all load from disk 🙂 ).
Did you actually find the CRC checking code? Or did you just make an educated guess at how it worked by trial and error?
Wow! awesome work!, interesting CRC check as M9 pointed out. Now who’s up for a Hotline Miami PC trainer 🙂
Cool to see another MFM crack tutorial from AlphaOne.Congratulations on finishing the Turrican crack trilogy! Thanks for the fantastic read!
Great stuff, I liked reading about the CRC check, we don’t get too many of those on here.
I can’t wait for Part 2