Nice intro, never saw this one before… the kind of ‘dithered’ plasma/logo looks really good & nice textroutine too.
14 years ago
never seen this one before. very nice.
is the plasma in the original as smoothas this? the way to get per-pixel horizontal waves in plasma is to use two colors and the scroll register (dff102 as i recall) to wave it.
I cant see how this can be done while having the logo on top?
perhaps by putting all the bitplanes of the logo on even bitplanes and wave the uneven ones.
I love the plasma on the logo, and like the animated text writer. This site has really broadened my interest in mods too…I know I would have hated a repetitive non chiptune like song about a year ago, but now…it just reminds me of that feeling when I first got my Amiga. I shudder to think how badly I had lost touch with my roots and almost forgotton….thanks Flashtro, thanks M9 🙂
Lame “music”, great dithered plasma! Te “music” ruins it all.
sounds like one of the shortest Jesper Kyd songs ever… 🙂
Nice intro, never saw this one before… the kind of ‘dithered’ plasma/logo looks really good & nice textroutine too.
never seen this one before. very nice.
is the plasma in the original as smoothas this? the way to get per-pixel horizontal waves in plasma is to use two colors and the scroll register (dff102 as i recall) to wave it.
I cant see how this can be done while having the logo on top?
perhaps by putting all the bitplanes of the logo on even bitplanes and wave the uneven ones.
Yay a greetings to me 🙂
Fuck this loop! Goes on my nerves.
But plasma and writer is nice.
But the writer has some slowdowns here? Maybe I have to update flashplayer?
I love the plasma on the logo, and like the animated text writer. This site has really broadened my interest in mods too…I know I would have hated a repetitive non chiptune like song about a year ago, but now…it just reminds me of that feeling when I first got my Amiga. I shudder to think how badly I had lost touch with my roots and almost forgotton….thanks Flashtro, thanks M9 🙂
good original one..i dont like the tune but it fits this intro..colors and writer are nice
Cool intro.. The logo effect and write are nice. The logo itself ain’t the best one but fits to the color effect perfectly.