Very good intro. You see those guys knew the hardware…. This tune served me a lot while I was doodling with Amiga m68k asm. As we se here, some good wares as well as from some other countries were too badly spread. I personally know/had some which has never left even the city it was done in. Some, fortunately, luckyly did…
The Roncler Gang were Italian (I think), and did a few cracks here and there but not many that spread outside their native country.
They also did a very good SNES demo (with HBT (Half-Brains Team, also from Italy)) very early on in the SNES scene history, making their own assembler and tools and reverse-engineering a lot of the SNES h/w before anyone else had any idea how to do it 🙂
Cool new "loading" screen even thou is just flashed by (no phun intended). Can honestly say I have never heard of the Roncler Gang or seen that cracktro before.
Very good intro. You see those guys knew the hardware…. This tune served me a lot while I was doodling with Amiga m68k asm. As we se here, some good wares as well as from some other countries were too badly spread. I personally know/had some which has never left even the city it was done in. Some, fortunately, luckyly did…
Great intro, copperlist could have been a bit more stylish imo. But I guess it belongs to a certain era
4mat rules! very good tune, love it.
very good intro… and a very nice tune!
frueher waren alles besser! :dozingoff
didn’t know this piece of code… i like !
WayneK: you think of that SNES demo with fractal zoomer?
maybe a side project for you? to play with the snes? 🙂
I had seen this one with the same crack. Easy but nice, I like this kind of design, and the chip is good.
The Roncler Gang were Italian (I think), and did a few cracks here and there but not many that spread outside their native country.
They also did a very good SNES demo (with HBT (Half-Brains Team, also from Italy)) very early on in the SNES scene history, making their own assembler and tools and reverse-engineering a lot of the SNES h/w before anyone else had any idea how to do it 🙂
Cool new "loading" screen even thou is just flashed by (no phun intended). Can honestly say I have never heard of the Roncler Gang or seen that cracktro before.