Nope, ugly vector and a poor drawing of a sunset. I like the one Corsair did for them, but that is a refurbished Dragons intro as far as i can tell. (I like the ones with the Vision Factory co-op as well, because they used my font 🙂 But strictly speaking that was a Vision Factory intro).
I’v always felt The Company was phoning it in, scenewise.
Seems unfinished. Also, bad sinewave on the scroller. Bad.
@newton: I am sure you like the one from “Another World’ ?
Nope, ugly vector and a poor drawing of a sunset. I like the one Corsair did for them, but that is a refurbished Dragons intro as far as i can tell. (I like the ones with the Vision Factory co-op as well, because they used my font 🙂 But strictly speaking that was a Vision Factory intro).
I’v always felt The Company was phoning it in, scenewise.
I was waiting quite a long time hoping the logo would actually be a load of 3D bobs with some kick ass rotation 😀
The Company made rubbish intros generally, and this does not impress. It’s just the lack of attention to details.
And, i’ve always hated that font.
Not realy a logo at all.
Another ‘could of been great’ company intro that lacks either a descent logo or design. – but I do like the bouncer scroller, just not the font
Could have been so much better, what an ugly sinelist for the scroller & pathetic “logo”.