Slightly less sine (not as tall) & the scroller in front of the logo with some transparency would have made this even better, but I still like this intro as is.
Nice…. Maybe it would have been nicer to make the Supplex logo appear along with the blue screen fade, then add coppers / stars one by one… Dez-tune makes it complete!
Always liked this one, the logo transparency is neat and a feature which was not too common back then.
Great choice of fonts and colors, good logo, hard-hitting Dezecreator tune. Love the bold look and feeling of this one. Logo 7 rules!
Just noticed the transparency on the logo!!
Wow… Tune obviously crazy, scrolller different but nice.. totally ahead of its time…
Nice trick with transparent logo, stars, classic palette on the sin = cool 🙂
Mega cool!!!
Simple and everything fits. The Dezecrator tune is a classic.
Sinescroller is horrible
Slightly less sine (not as tall) & the scroller in front of the logo with some transparency would have made this even better, but I still like this intro as is.
This is a nice intro. Like the transparency thingy with the logo & scroller. The sinus curve is too dense imho.
all the ingredients are there, but it’s more of the same old, same old. The scroller is a bit too large, it takes like forever to read it.
Nice…. Maybe it would have been nicer to make the Supplex logo appear along with the blue screen fade, then add coppers / stars one by one… Dez-tune makes it complete!