I am sure you got this question before but any estimates how many letters / disks you received? Did you keep any of them? What did you do with the disks? What was the real purpose of the POBOX? Given how long ago this all was, I am sure it’s relatively safe to respond now 🙂
sweet tune, sweet melody…
Horrible coder colors for the plasma, tune is… well, not the best really. But god, I love that shiny chrome fancy logo over there!
damnit.. been humming the frikkin’ song all day long now..
so lala…
POBOX 210 – Amay? That’s a typo that must have cost you a few disks 🙂
by all them masses of disks and letters from nearly all over the world. ill doubt that it was much at all …
I am sure you got this question before but any estimates how many letters / disks you received? Did you keep any of them? What did you do with the disks? What was the real purpose of the POBOX? Given how long ago this all was, I am sure it’s relatively safe to respond now 🙂
Sweet logo 😀
is this a super mario song ?
i like the logo and musax, bu the rest damit, it’s no the best Sr intro that sure 🙂
Great logo :p
Great colours :p
Great textwriter :p
and GREAT CHiPPi3!!! :p:p:p:p
Great logo.
Bad scroller fonts, they do not fit with the rest of the intro.
Also the copper bars are too blocky.
never saw that one b4 but i definatly missed nothing…
logo, writer and plasmas cool – yellow scroller font + music to the firing squad
@ axis: skr was "build" in 1990. metallica was the founder. :satisfied
love the logo
in which year was skid row build?
I liked this intro a lot too but never thought that the larger of the two fonts suited it.
nice logo and plasma. never liked mod.aerodynamisk neger by slide/rebels
really nice work. excellent music in my ears 😛
Arfgh this tune. Don’t like plasmas like that either..but overall nice crack intro. Does the job it is mean for.
nice conversion…. but the tiles are much smaller in the original, but I guess flash is to slow for that…
Excellent SkidRowdy-Work!!! :love
Only the tune sucks my ears! :p
Ahhh, my eyes + ears! Make the pain stop!
That skid row txt writer is cool 🙂 Can’t place where i’ve heard that tune before tho…
i always liked this one.. the logo is nice and the colors also.. and awwwwww
so a sweet tune 😀
good one!
only the fonts didnt fit to the rest imo