Conversion by Christian CortiLeft mouse button to exit 0 Publication author offline 2 days mus@shi9 0 Comments: 1166Publics: 2809Registration: 06-03-2017 Categories: C-64HTML5tro Subscribe Notify of new follow-up comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Website Δ Label {} [+] Name* Email* Website Δ 5 Comments Newest Oldest Inline Feedbacks View all comments sachy 6 years ago Ossom tune and jumping dot over ‘i’ “:) 0 stu 6 years ago that music just keeps on giving, always liked S8 intros in the day. Another magical c64 intro! 0 Galahad 6 years ago Me likey, could so easily have been an Amiga intro, music is awesome. 0 Annatar 6 years ago Slick, and the font is extra beautiful. 0 SToRM 6 years ago kudos for the tune and the jumpin’ ball on the letter “i”. 0
Ossom tune and jumping dot over ‘i’ “:)
that music just keeps on giving, always liked S8 intros in the day. Another magical c64 intro!
Me likey, could so easily have been an Amiga intro, music is awesome.
Slick, and the font is extra beautiful.
kudos for the tune and the jumpin’ ball on the letter “i”.