Wack0: SAE used to be in co-op with Freestyle UK around 1986/1987. Rogue Male and others joined Freestyle UK after the co-op splited up.
Ex Freestyle UK.
I loved this then, I love it now. Del for el presidente, and really great tune by Rogue Male (who made some good tunes out of some of the worlds worst samples).
Wack0: SAE used to be in co-op with Freestyle UK around 1986/1987. Rogue Male and others joined Freestyle UK after the co-op splited up.
Ex Freestyle UK.
SAE — 1985-2001, co-ops with origin (’98-’99) and class (’00-’01)
after they died their leader started full time in class, before that he was /CLS^SAE…
The first time I saw this the music and the giant 3 plane sinescroll seemed a perfect combination, they still do it for me. I love this.
Backlash font 🙂
I love this song…
makes the same impression like the big scroller demo from Quest, if someone remembers that one…;-)
naja, geht so… haut mich nicht vom hocker! :dozingoff
Nice scroller & fonts.
A bit boring, not much happens at the background.
ive always been a rouge male fan, and a sae fan all in all
Del \o/ Loved this back then.. love it now, even if the music is what it is…
I loved this then, I love it now. Del for el presidente, and really great tune by Rogue Male (who made some good tunes out of some of the worlds worst samples).
the font absolutely rocks … immortal!
i don’t like the scroll font… but nice music!
nice font…