Can you perhaps document what you consider your most challenging crack (either based on time spent and/or complexity). I believe that would be quite appealing material to some of the more ‘advanced’ readers. (and quite a bit more work – sorry!)
In a word… crackers generally dont like to admit when they had to “take their coat off” for a tricky crack, because some big headed twat will say “oh, I found that one really easy”, theres very little honesty from some out there, so i’m happy to remain quiet about it.
To put that in perspective, I recall seeing a Fairlight (?)/Nemesis (?) titlecreen on a N.o.m.a.d. (?) crack (forgot which one, sorry) back in the days, with a disclaimer-type message, that said (somewhat paraphrased) “due to the complexity of this crack some cracking errors may occur”. I though that was kind of a mature thing to say, actually. kind of Refreshing. That’s why I remembered it. I seriously enjoyed your audio-interview, by the way.
That would have been Debut: Planet Simulator I think. Thanks about the interview, they did talk about possibly doing another in the future, whether that happens or not is open to debate.
Cool tutorial, I’m surprised the CRC stuff was so “half-assed” but clear/logical instructions on how to avoid triggering it 🙂 And I agree, Rodland was one of the absolute best arcade conversions on Amiga, loved this game back in the day.
Can you perhaps document what you consider your most challenging crack (either based on time spent and/or complexity). I believe that would be quite appealing material to some of the more ‘advanced’ readers. (and quite a bit more work – sorry!)
In a word… crackers generally dont like to admit when they had to “take their coat off” for a tricky crack, because some big headed twat will say “oh, I found that one really easy”, theres very little honesty from some out there, so i’m happy to remain quiet about it.
To put that in perspective, I recall seeing a Fairlight (?)/Nemesis (?) titlecreen on a N.o.m.a.d. (?) crack (forgot which one, sorry) back in the days, with a disclaimer-type message, that said (somewhat paraphrased) “due to the complexity of this crack some cracking errors may occur”. I though that was kind of a mature thing to say, actually. kind of Refreshing. That’s why I remembered it. I seriously enjoyed your audio-interview, by the way.
That would have been Debut: Planet Simulator I think. Thanks about the interview, they did talk about possibly doing another in the future, whether that happens or not is open to debate.
Cool tutorial, I’m surprised the CRC stuff was so “half-assed” but clear/logical instructions on how to avoid triggering it 🙂 And I agree, Rodland was one of the absolute best arcade conversions on Amiga, loved this game back in the day.
Nice tutorial again. Great idea on bypassing without triggering the CRC’s. Awesome game too. Looking forward to seeing what you have planned next