hahaha /me loves the cracktro text and the bbs "connection" — it gives me a chance to see what oldschool scene was about 😛
oh and btw Apollo: i think you got owned.
What did apollo do to deserve this hatetro btw ?
I like Prodigy as a group. Talented people (some a bit arrogant :)) but they had the misfortune of bad timing to be remembered as one of the "big boys". They were active at a time there was a lot of competition and eventhough they got quite a few respectable releases out, the other groups of that era will be remembered better than them.
Oh noooz – this one broke
Nice one!
/x and ascii, i like that very much! thk for this conversion
Well, I’m gonna be in the UK next week, so how about that beer and the Apollo story Siriax?
hahaha /me loves the cracktro text and the bbs "connection" — it gives me a chance to see what oldschool scene was about 😛
oh and btw Apollo: i think you got owned.
What did apollo do to deserve this hatetro btw ?
heh, this cracktro was very imaginative… I wish i was still in the scene those days to see alot of the newer intros. They were much more imaginative..
Thanks for converting musashi!
nice design..
Nope, you’re absolutely right.
SIRIaX, next time I’m in the UK, I’m buying a round in the local pub, and you’ll recount the "Apollo story"? (;-)
I like Prodigy as a group. Talented people (some a bit arrogant :)) but they had the misfortune of bad timing to be remembered as one of the "big boys". They were active at a time there was a lot of competition and eventhough they got quite a few respectable releases out, the other groups of that era will be remembered better than them.
Now, go ahead and tell me I am wrong! 🙂
It’s Sunday… and I’ll make time for this one! 😀
long story for lonely sundays ^^
"i knwo i am laem but i will try another oen!
(and i cant speac englisch!)"
I laughed my ass off at the text of this intro… and you have to admit, it’s original!
Does anybody know, what was the deal with this App(r)ollo guy and the Prodigy posse?
i was very pissed seeing this …
but now after a decade ..thanks siriax for it
not much ppl got hes own hate intro
and i deserve it.. i was a really bad bad boy 🙂 lol
Damn that brings back some memories. I miss /X!!
NComm <3<3<3<3
superb intro !!! BBS ruled !!! 🙂
Nice intro! remember me "Touchdown Birthday Demo" by TRSI including Ncomm screen 🙂