I like the other version of this intro better 😀
12 years ago
Music kicks ass, Logo kicks ass.. but the colour combinations need to flow together better. Still like it, that really cool feeling you get when you see a good intro, this has it 🙂
I don’t like the green copper bars, I don’t think they fit the rest of the intro, but it’s still a pretty decent effort. Who doesn’t love sinescrollers + tracking sprites? 🙂
Now this is what I call old skool cool. Trailing sprites, copper reflections, scroller, the works. Top it off with a great chiptune and a copper wave \o/, come on – what more could anyone want. 😀
Yes, logo was drawn by Angel Drawn, intro was coded by his brother.
Looks like an early Angeldawn logo…?
Yeah this is really oozing old skoool!
Love the logo and yeah the chip speaks for itself…
I like the other version of this intro better 😀
Music kicks ass, Logo kicks ass.. but the colour combinations need to flow together better. Still like it, that really cool feeling you get when you see a good intro, this has it 🙂
like the logo and the watershaded scroller. many fc14-tunes here after each other
seems m9 is getting big bucks for pushing psd cracktros on flashtro…
I don’t like the green copper bars, I don’t think they fit the rest of the intro, but it’s still a pretty decent effort. Who doesn’t love sinescrollers + tracking sprites? 🙂
Now this is what I call old skool cool. Trailing sprites, copper reflections, scroller, the works. Top it off with a great chiptune and a copper wave \o/, come on – what more could anyone want. 😀