This one is a bit of a rip off of one of the parts from the amiga demo silences ice!
I remember I liked the effect on the amiga demo a long time ago and at that time I disassembled it to figure out how they did it. Its a pretty simple routine that is easily achieved on the gba using the HBLANK interrupt and hardware scrolling.
A special thanks to ROG for this commented source code.. More to come Download the source files below Attachments Radix_Theory File size: 36 KB Downloads: 160 Publication author offline 8 hours mus@shi9 0 Comments: 1163Publics: Read more…
This one is a bit of a rip off of one of the parts from the amiga demo silences ice!
I remember I liked the effect on the amiga demo a long time ago and at that time I disassembled it to figure out how they did it. Its a pretty simple routine that is easily achieved on the gba using the HBLANK interrupt and hardware scrolling.
Never saw this one during my GBA time, screenshot looks nice! 🙂