In case anyone else is looking for the original tune, it is indeed a conversion/cover of a C64 tune. HVSC gives credit to Markus Müller (Superbrain) of Gamma Cracking Force, the title is ‘Future City’. According to HVSC, he is most likely also the original author of the famous Papillons intro music (‘Coco Theme’) as well, while Edwin van Santen (rest in peace) of 20CC also claimed ownership.
I am pretty sure I have first heard it on the C64 but can’t remember where. HVSC previously had the tune as ‘FCS-Intro Theme’ but I haven’t found it on an intro by FCS yet. CSDB only lists a couple of demos, no cracks:
As a former member of Paradox, and as part of the group of people that founded Paradox, then it’s quite funny how blind people sometimes can be 😉 Yes, if you ask me, then this intro was the most famous one ever and it will never be beaten. I’m not going to take any credit for this, as i had nothing to do with the intro. It was all the french section(olivier, skywalker etc) that had a fight with Angels, which of course became whole Paradox’s fight. It was brilliant to come up with this, even through the animation is… Read more »
Stinger said it best – never were fuckings sent to another group so memorably. One of the most famous cracktros ever. Logo rocks, tune rocks, BOB anim makes me LOL and there’s a circle scroller as the cherry on the cake. What more could you want? Great one.
So fucking cool…excellent, 10++, I still have my Super Off Road sitting right here in my floppy collection. The remake for the Playstation was un-fucking real good too.
The fight was mainly a French thing ; not sure what really started it though. I talked to Skywalker many years after he’d done this intro and he said he never expected his production to have that kind of impact. I hope someday he finds his way here…
Met an old member of Angels on a HMR (handling mot rusgift) conference thing in the Norwegian mountains a couple of years ago. He was still laughing about this cracktro :]
maybe the most spread and known of all fucktro ever… I just love it. Can someone msg me where this song originally comes from ? (great adaptation from Samplemixer btw)
Any information on the composer (Samplemixer) would be most welcomed. 🙂
So funny. They gave “Pardon my french” a meaning in the Amiga scene, and definitely made history with this one 🙂
the music is here:
in .dm2 .mp3 .ogg format
In case anyone else is looking for the original tune, it is indeed a conversion/cover of a C64 tune. HVSC gives credit to Markus Müller (Superbrain) of Gamma Cracking Force, the title is ‘Future City’. According to HVSC, he is most likely also the original author of the famous Papillons intro music (‘Coco Theme’) as well, while Edwin van Santen (rest in peace) of 20CC also claimed ownership.
Hear the original tune here:
And while I am at it, let me join in: I agree, this is definitely one of the most memorable crack intros ever.
Ah great piece of info for this awesome tune, thanks. Anyone know if it was used in a c64 cracktro?
I am pretty sure I have first heard it on the C64 but can’t remember where. HVSC previously had the tune as ‘FCS-Intro Theme’ but I haven’t found it on an intro by FCS yet. CSDB only lists a couple of demos, no cracks:
I remember it as one of the tunes in the “Demo Demon” demo maker:
As a former member of Paradox, and as part of the group of people that founded Paradox, then it’s quite funny how blind people sometimes can be 😉 Yes, if you ask me, then this intro was the most famous one ever and it will never be beaten. I’m not going to take any credit for this, as i had nothing to do with the intro. It was all the french section(olivier, skywalker etc) that had a fight with Angels, which of course became whole Paradox’s fight. It was brilliant to come up with this, even through the animation is… Read more »
I would *love* to see the PC remake of this here on Flashtro!
Stinger said it best – never were fuckings sent to another group so memorably. One of the most famous cracktros ever. Logo rocks, tune rocks, BOB anim makes me LOL and there’s a circle scroller as the cherry on the cake. What more could you want? Great one.
So fucking cool…excellent, 10++, I still have my Super Off Road sitting right here in my floppy collection. The remake for the Playstation was un-fucking real good too.
Wonder where skywalker is used to do some cracktros to accession also
havent heard or seen him for ages.. like uhm 15 years?
The fight was mainly a French thing ; not sure what really started it though. I talked to Skywalker many years after he’d done this intro and he said he never expected his production to have that kind of impact. I hope someday he finds his way here…
PaRaDoX – YOU FUCKING LEGENDS!!!!!! You will rule forever.
"Legends never die"
Best fucktro ever! 🙂
MrHoward, i think the tune was originally done on c64 called FCS-Intro Theme. Author is unknown in the HVSC.
Samplemixer did the conversion to DM2.0 for the amiga.
Loved the tro. Music fits great to the animation
Ah, the fucktro… pdx intro screenies can be seen on their website
This got remade for the pc back in 2004, got a few rels with it included 😛
The Wack0lian
– Wack0^KaOs
thats cool zhinx 🙂
heh fucking awesome fucktro. this one is burned in my memory as perhaps one of the funniest things i ever saw in the scene hehe 🙂
Did Angels release an intro with "Paradogs"? :p
Hahaha, I’ve lost this cracktro, I’m discovering it again, thank you !
I’ve been looking for the party-game between Angels/Paradox we played, in this kind of spirit than this cracktro ;o).
I remember the mod, which sung with sampled voices "Paradox … pa papa papa paradox…"
Smashing "souvenirs" … :o))
this intro was also use for psx releases nice one Angels beware or get fu*ked LOL
UPFATED*** with full original text in the scrolly
Met an old member of Angels on a HMR (handling mot rusgift) conference thing in the Norwegian mountains a couple of years ago. He was still laughing about this cracktro :]
What a classic ! But this one got only used for the Super Off Road game.
I never saw it again in later PDX releases.
OH yes!
paradox rules -1 0 1
Paradox rox!
Here’s a RULE !
Do you feel it angels ???
MrHoward, original composed by Samplemixer.
Oh priceless memories … 🙂
maybe the most spread and known of all fucktro ever… I just love it. Can someone msg me where this song originally comes from ? (great adaptation from Samplemixer btw)
I like the detail with decrunch colours 🙂
Classic. :satisfied
like Panza cracktro, the best! cool music, cool anim
I also made a little remake on Amiga and in javascript (ie only)