I made a small video tutorial on how to make a remake using this intro as an example.
Anyone who is interested can view it here. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDZyA5c6FURE89QT3NVY7XA If people like it I can add the other videos to complete this tutorial
I enjoyed the two videos that are already up and I always like to watch other people do cool stuff while I am slacking! So I am all for more parts of this tutorial and more videos in general!
Ahhh.. the zik! RK was the king. Mahalo nui loa M9 keeping the Internet worthy with flashtro.com. The best pr0n around 😀 Greeting from Kaua’i..
7 years ago
Love the intro, especially the rasters and the music. I also agree with what SIRIaX wrote, and was thinking about ways in which I could make this logo antialiased, and what kind of texture might work. The logo has great potential, but needs more color. The ironic part is that the Dutch color scheme could be pulled off harmoniously in this logo design.
7 years ago
Don’t like to logo, the rest is perfect 🙂 Src would be cool.
a nice little intro with awesome music. The logo looks a bit raw and could have used some manual-antialiasing but considering how old this intro is, I am sure to say it aged well.
No tune anymore on my side (latest FF on W11) 🙁
Thanks a lot for your fast and incredible work! 😉
Nice enough – needs some additional polish though I think.
I made a small video tutorial on how to make a remake using this intro as an example.
Anyone who is interested can view it here. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDZyA5c6FURE89QT3NVY7XA If people like it I can add the other videos to complete this tutorial
I enjoyed the two videos that are already up and I always like to watch other people do cool stuff while I am slacking! So I am all for more parts of this tutorial and more videos in general!
Ahhh.. the zik! RK was the king. Mahalo nui loa M9 keeping the Internet worthy with flashtro.com. The best pr0n around 😀 Greeting from Kaua’i..
Love the intro, especially the rasters and the music. I also agree with what SIRIaX wrote, and was thinking about ways in which I could make this logo antialiased, and what kind of texture might work. The logo has great potential, but needs more color. The ironic part is that the Dutch color scheme could be pulled off harmoniously in this logo design.
Don’t like to logo, the rest is perfect 🙂 Src would be cool.
Thanks Musashi for rounding off the year in style. Still the best site on the internets 🙂
No problem thanks for keep visiting 😀
Ron Klaren also did the music for Battle Squadron. Logo is not paradox-worthy.
Merry Xmas to one and all – and special thanks to Musashi for doing what you do.
Yeah, the tune… trippy 🙂
Simple (logo even too simple to my taste), but the tune makes it cool 🙂
Kick me hard and call me Rhonda… which game tune is it? Hybris?
The Plague http://hol.abime.net/1078
Thank you 🙂
Merry Christmas to yall
a nice little intro with awesome music. The logo looks a bit raw and could have used some manual-antialiasing but considering how old this intro is, I am sure to say it aged well.