okayish cracktro. the scroller is too fast. i (for the first time) like the pink logo, because it’s the font of the psygnosis-logo, raped and turned into a pink oracool logo
isn’t the font stolen from an old Red sector inc demo by flash (this is a flash fun production)?
Love the logo but that tune could suck a golf ball through a garden hose
Sounds like the `tunes` that came with most LSD intros/pack disks in 91-92 Blurgh!
Heh.. well.. nice intro from the past. Nothing spectacular but nice. The scroll it too fast though and the zik does my head in (both the original and the mod 😉
Quite nice, proper old skool and of its time, but…
I don’t really like the tune personally. Also, for me the logo movement table isn’t very nice – makes the logo move on straight diagonal lines where some sinus curves would’ve been nicer.
Also, the combination of the grey font and the speed it scrolls makes reading the scroller hurt my eyes 🙁
12 years ago
first? fine young cannibals 🙂 nice tune, amiga drives us crazy, cheers, SToRM
yep scheisslogin i thought the same with that font … anyway.. the "psygnosis" like logo is ok
okayish cracktro. the scroller is too fast. i (for the first time) like the pink logo, because it’s the font of the psygnosis-logo, raped and turned into a pink oracool logo
isn’t the font stolen from an old Red sector inc demo by flash (this is a flash fun production)?
check here: http://kestra.exotica.org.uk/demo.php?id=1413
Love the logo but that tune could suck a golf ball through a garden hose
Sounds like the `tunes` that came with most LSD intros/pack disks in 91-92 Blurgh!
Really bad version of a great tune by Fine Young Cannibals 🙂 Not really a huge fan of the intro in general, but you have to love that Pink logo!
Heh.. well.. nice intro from the past. Nothing spectacular but nice. The scroll it too fast though and the zik does my head in (both the original and the mod 😉
Quite nice, proper old skool and of its time, but…
I don’t really like the tune personally. Also, for me the logo movement table isn’t very nice – makes the logo move on straight diagonal lines where some sinus curves would’ve been nicer.
Also, the combination of the grey font and the speed it scrolls makes reading the scroller hurt my eyes 🙁
first? fine young cannibals 🙂 nice tune, amiga drives us crazy, cheers, SToRM