Sorry, but i don’t have the disk anymore. But i remember: The scroller design was indically the same. The red background bars was green, the logo was a motorcycle with another font for the group name. The music was different too – i think starts with applause 😀 Maybe some other german user has this one. As i say it was on the game “Paperboy”.
12 years ago
HANNOVER, I´m living near of this city. Greetings from Germany. NICE INTRO & ZIK
nightsoft hannover??? seems they coded tros like they actually play soccer in that city…
the intro is from 1988, maybe they had a name like eca 1998. the mod is mod.drum03 by k. obarski, a 16-instruments-st-00-tune. the font is in my collection called backlash-font, as the letters were used in the game backlash in 1987. used f.e. by world of wonders. logo and gfx are very poor, so is the copper effect in the background.
now this is a rare one .. as stormbringer said this looks like 87 .. the tune is quite ok..the pic is ugly as i am a pooh hater too (especially tigger!)
Is the Nightsoft intro of the “Paperboy 1” crack by Defjam & CCS available? The logo was a motorcycle 😉
I have never seen it. If you ever find it let me know, it sounds interesting
Sorry, but i don’t have the disk anymore. But i remember: The scroller design was indically the same. The red background bars was green, the logo was a motorcycle with another font for the group name. The music was different too – i think starts with applause 😀 Maybe some other german user has this one. As i say it was on the game “Paperboy”.
HANNOVER, I´m living near of this city. Greetings from Germany. NICE INTRO & ZIK
Would be 2/10 if tiger was eating pooh, instead of merely intimidating him… tsssk…
don’t like the gfx, scroll is ok, music is good, nothing special here bit a little bit old school style 🙂
Well.. OK. No special feelings associated with this one.
I remember this one with green bars, a bicycle as logo and a real rocking tune 😀
nightsoft hannover??? seems they coded tros like they actually play soccer in that city…
the intro is from 1988, maybe they had a name like eca 1998. the mod is mod.drum03 by k. obarski, a 16-instruments-st-00-tune. the font is in my collection called backlash-font, as the letters were used in the game backlash in 1987. used f.e. by world of wonders. logo and gfx are very poor, so is the copper effect in the background.
rare or not, this one is only 1/10
now this is a rare one .. as stormbringer said this looks like 87 .. the tune is quite ok..the pic is ugly as i am a pooh hater too (especially tigger!)
1990? woooaw that looks more like 87! great tune but the graphics are rather … hmmm… ok… I hate Winnie!