The PS2 was a bitch to program. I remember differences between Hardware in terms of kernel modules, (irx) files. Which could lead that intros did not wrk properly on all models and stuff, all in all the worst playstation in design although I don’t know if PS3 is better coding-wise. Lets have some intros on PS4 and XB1 ;))
How could you have seen them? The bizarre thing about these intros was that they required hardware-modified PlayStations, which for most people was out of reach since it required either physical modifications to the casing, a specific version of a PS2 game which contained the exploit, or a piece of hardware kit, trace cutting and soldering. As awesome as these intros are, it is really bizarre that they exist considering 99% of the population which used these consoles knew nothing of modifying them… hell if I deemed it too difficult, and I’m into this stuff, the average kid did not… Read more »
Hunt down on ebay a Memor32 PS2 memory card and google Free McBoot, you can softmod phat PS2’s using an exploit. Not sure if this works with slim models, but I modded several this way with a PS2 exploited memory card.
Amazing music right here ! can someone tell me what is the title of this music/mod ?
My favourite ps2 intro 😀
The PS2 was a bitch to program. I remember differences between Hardware in terms of kernel modules, (irx) files. Which could lead that intros did not wrk properly on all models and stuff, all in all the worst playstation in design although I don’t know if PS3 is better coding-wise. Lets have some intros on PS4 and XB1 ;))
simply great one!!! textmode and tune rocks..also ofcourse those lovely vctors!!!! good one
The original probably used anti aliasing, we can’t expect m9 to fully emulate the ps2 with flash.. anyway i never saw these ps2 intros.
How could you have seen them? The bizarre thing about these intros was that they required hardware-modified PlayStations, which for most people was out of reach since it required either physical modifications to the casing, a specific version of a PS2 game which contained the exploit, or a piece of hardware kit, trace cutting and soldering. As awesome as these intros are, it is really bizarre that they exist considering 99% of the population which used these consoles knew nothing of modifying them… hell if I deemed it too difficult, and I’m into this stuff, the average kid did not… Read more »
free mcboot off a memor32 memory card these days. Easy!
Huh? What?!? What is it? Please elaborate, as I have a PAL PS2 in NTSC land and would love to be able to run some of this stuff…
Hunt down on ebay a Memor32 PS2 memory card and google Free McBoot, you can softmod phat PS2’s using an exploit. Not sure if this works with slim models, but I modded several this way with a PS2 exploited memory card.
Thanks Stu! That was a real friendly thing to do of you, and kind at that!
The PS2 hardware is easily capable of antialiasing, too bad these fonts / vectors aren’t antialiased.
Other than that, cool intro.
Liked the other intro better, music and font
Music fantastic here. Love it.
FIRST! Like this tune much better. Thx for this one, even if I never had a PS2