also remember we crac*ed that first an wasn’t a group doing that fulltime. So when the work were done we hadn’t much time to spend on the intro that was coded also in that same night.
12 years ago
remember: that logo had to be in 8 colors only – try yourself in photoshop! 20 years INFECT –
– mediocre music (at best);
– Dutch color scheme;
– low color, low resolution logo (even by Amiga standards);
– no antialiasing.
Overall, looks like the intro has been hastily put together from different routines the coder had laying around, and that person did not consult the graphician for design input before throwing it all together.
Logo is quite ugly, stars (bobs) are very nice as is the font… spiv is right about the colours – better copper for the textrout would have improved things!
12 years ago
Not bad at all 😉 Like the 3D stars a lot. Slightly differently phased color cycling in the coffer effect would have made this even better.
excuses, excuses 😉
also remember we crac*ed that first an wasn’t a group doing that fulltime. So when the work were done we hadn’t much time to spend on the intro that was coded also in that same night.
remember: that logo had to be in 8 colors only – try yourself in photoshop! 20 years INFECT –
Was soll da denn rulen? ;D
Magdeburg RULEZ
– really cool bob/starfield routine;
– nice typer routine.
– mediocre music (at best);
– Dutch color scheme;
– low color, low resolution logo (even by Amiga standards);
– no antialiasing.
Overall, looks like the intro has been hastily put together from different routines the coder had laying around, and that person did not consult the graphician for design input before throwing it all together.
ENDTHEME like tune…hehehe… and nice textwriter here …!!! good one
love the letter writer 🙂 … rest is ok
Never seen before. A Fantastic One.. What a amazing Tune.. Love…
Color cycling could be more cycley:-) Remake of the tune is a bit flat.
Liking the reworking of the old classic – erm I really should remember this – WoW tune?
Logo is quite ugly, stars (bobs) are very nice as is the font… spiv is right about the colours – better copper for the textrout would have improved things!
Not bad at all 😉 Like the 3D stars a lot. Slightly differently phased color cycling in the coffer effect would have made this even better.