musashi9: Can i predict that the version with logo and music will hit us soon? TSt: I kinda remember that 😉 Like keftalesbars really isn’t keftalesbars, but because people didn’t know what to call it, even through DYCP make more logic in this example. If i recall right, Kaze and Wizz was the first to make DYCP scrollers. I remember being at a Flash Production party in Falster where i saw it. Drake did one not long after at the same party. Bones the group from North Jutland of Denmark later did one in HiRes that looked so good. Can’t… Read more »
Thanks for the info TSt, I never knew that.
As for this trainer menu, it seems to be a stripped down version of their pack menu pack menu
I guess they had to remove the logo and tune to fit it into the little space they had when they hijacked the end of Horizon’s intro code to add the trainer. Which is a shame because it looks nice with a logo and music.
13 years ago
Did you know that the term ‘DYCP’ was coined by Excell/Ikari (The Jewels, at that time) somewhere in the beginning of 1988, and it started out as a joke after seeing the routine his groupmate Doc has coded. They released this in the small demo – D.Y.C.P. Although not the 1st DYCP ever, 1st time the effect was called this… Quote from the ‘Paid in full‘ demo scrolltext: ‘later doc also coded a routine that allowed you to make chars jump up’n’down in a scroll… for the fun of it i decided to call it "different y-char positions" or i… Read more »
Very nice sinescroller and reflection effect.
ALWAYS good to read scene history!
Loved the Rebels C64 History demo back in the day, my favorite monty tune too!
I never had a 64 so it was rather cool to be `educated`
Oh, please do tell, Enzymer! 🙂
Always nice to hear stories of scene history.
musashi9: Can i predict that the version with logo and music will hit us soon? TSt: I kinda remember that 😉 Like keftalesbars really isn’t keftalesbars, but because people didn’t know what to call it, even through DYCP make more logic in this example. If i recall right, Kaze and Wizz was the first to make DYCP scrollers. I remember being at a Flash Production party in Falster where i saw it. Drake did one not long after at the same party. Bones the group from North Jutland of Denmark later did one in HiRes that looked so good. Can’t… Read more »
great scroller ! :o)
Thanks for the info TSt, I never knew that.
As for this trainer menu, it seems to be a stripped down version of their pack menu pack menu
I guess they had to remove the logo and tune to fit it into the little space they had when they hijacked the end of Horizon’s intro code to add the trainer. Which is a shame because it looks nice with a logo and music.
Did you know that the term ‘DYCP’ was coined by Excell/Ikari (The Jewels, at that time) somewhere in the beginning of 1988, and it started out as a joke after seeing the routine his groupmate Doc has coded. They released this in the small demo – D.Y.C.P. Although not the 1st DYCP ever, 1st time the effect was called this… Quote from the ‘Paid in full‘ demo scrolltext: ‘later doc also coded a routine that allowed you to make chars jump up’n’down in a scroll… for the fun of it i decided to call it "different y-char positions" or i… Read more »
So true DeaTure and damn that DYCP scroll make me close to an orgasm 😉
Sad there is no music on, Impact inc usually always had some nice Moby tune on there demos 🙂
Very good one.. just add some cool zik and this would be excellent.
Love the scroller … so simple design yet it doesn t look plain. Really like it!
Very cool DYCP, but not too crazy about the font…different though, which is nice. I miss hearing a tune of course though…
Very nice menu indeed, love the DYCP with interesting sinelist and (of course) the ‘water mirror’ copper/modulo effect.
TOP traintro, simple and effective! And very exotic but interesting trainer options:-)
Quite a nice DYCP. I’ve never made a DYCP scroller – think I’ll have to make one sometime. 🙂
nice scroller/mirror and font! only a tune is missing