This tune is an instant “That’s from IKARI” reaction.
And man, what a name this tune has… Ooops 😉
7 years ago
The legendary “come to the biggest event since Jesus talk a walk on the lake” intro!
Excell was a genius for coding and designing intros. It blows my mind that nowadays he has nothing whatsoever to do with computers and that he looks nothing like he used to when he was a teenager.
Nope. Like I wrote, the guy has nothing to do with computers, at least he didn’t last we checked up on him. It’s a shame really. The scene lost such an incredible talent.
Always hated that logo, but Ikari were a legendary group + this intro is pretty good for the time.
7 years ago
Just a quick one from me…
Summer of ’94, hot as hell! My best bud and I having a coding / gaming session at my place, enjoying some sandwiches and suspiciously fluorescent artificial “kiwi” juice from Hungary. Good times.
I do have a recollection of fair amount of useless details from 20+ years ago, however my memory of more recent events is a different story, so no, I wouldn’t say I have eidetic memory. On that note, yes, it could’ve been 1993. 🙂
You’re getting old, so yeah no shit your memory’s gonna start sucking and I bet you’ve started flushing events instead of committing them to memory as well. How’s that mid-life crisis coming along and stuff?
Amazing! Great intro! Fond memories. Cool game btw ;).
IKARI! 🙂 I like the “plasma” on the fonts and those little rotating “+” 🙂 SID is not bad too!
In fact the effect you are talking about are just sprites. This was, afaIr, invented by Excell himself and used quite often by him.
Classic Excell style, perfect intro tune by Thomas Detert and one of the best cracking groups on C-64, what’s not to love? Thanks for this one!
TStorm: the logo (or the text below) doesn’t seem to be centered but a little bit off.
Ooops. Well spotted. Logo was 8 pixels more to the right than it should’ve been. Corrected. Thank you!
This tune is an instant “That’s from IKARI” reaction.
And man, what a name this tune has… Ooops 😉
The legendary “come to the biggest event since Jesus talk a walk on the lake” intro!
Excell was a genius for coding and designing intros. It blows my mind that nowadays he has nothing whatsoever to do with computers and that he looks nothing like he used to when he was a teenager.
Annatar, do you have a contact with Excell himself?
Nope. Like I wrote, the guy has nothing to do with computers, at least he didn’t last we checked up on him. It’s a shame really. The scene lost such an incredible talent.
Not much vibes form this one.. The small rolling star font as a nice detail, though.
Excell’s intros were very highly regarded on the C=64. His design is legendary.
oldskool greetings are like a time machine.
Always hated that logo, but Ikari were a legendary group + this intro is pretty good for the time.
Just a quick one from me…
Summer of ’94, hot as hell! My best bud and I having a coding / gaming session at my place, enjoying some sandwiches and suspiciously fluorescent artificial “kiwi” juice from Hungary. Good times.
Suspiciously florescent Kiwi juice from Hungary. Sometimes I wonder if you have eidetic memory. On that note, are you sure it wasn’t 1993.?
I do have a recollection of fair amount of useless details from 20+ years ago, however my memory of more recent events is a different story, so no, I wouldn’t say I have eidetic memory. On that note, yes, it could’ve been 1993. 🙂
You’re getting old, so yeah no shit your memory’s gonna start sucking and I bet you’ve started flushing events instead of committing them to memory as well. How’s that mid-life crisis coming along and stuff?
Is that guy still your best bud?