Man.. where did these two find all the spare time to do this shit (pun intended)? I take A1 and S were considered adults already by this time and supposed to work long hours like every honest tax payer to pay their mortgage 😉
Yo, one of my first ever Windows Intros. Everything done using GDI functions (SetPixel, Drawline …), no DirectX, no direct pixelaccess. Source is available if someone wants to have a quick laughter. ;-))
Yep yep … as requested M9 … forgot how I came to this one but I always liked the dark baseline (owns) … the dirty strings mess it up though …
I like this one, simple but looks pretty good. On the other hand, I can’t say I like how it sounds…
Man.. where did these two find all the spare time to do this shit (pun intended)? I take A1 and S were considered adults already by this time and supposed to work long hours like every honest tax payer to pay their mortgage 😉
Well I was coding while my boss thought I am working. 😉
Get a room you two!
Nah, just kidding, it’s a great intro, and i’m really impressed by all the work you guys did on the PC, I didn’t know that at all.
It still is a nice menu, I would use it today without hesitation.
Yo, one of my first ever Windows Intros. Everything done using GDI functions (SetPixel, Drawline …), no DirectX, no direct pixelaccess. Source is available if someone wants to have a quick laughter. ;-))