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3 years ago

Great logo by the master himself, the rest is not really my taste.

3 years ago

that logo still amazes me. “Arrogance is an art. And we are the masters” … No swapping. Yep, too hot to handle, too cold to hold.

3 years ago

Excellent blitter tornado. The Hoodlum stuff always made me laugh a bit tho, with how arrogant they were… considering the Amiga was “dead” by the time they dominated and there was literally no competition, was the boasting + posturing really necessary? 😛

Reply to  WayneK
3 years ago

I dont quite get why people think that there was no competition at the late amiga days. This is not true, infact there have been many groups around for VERY limited amount of releaseses and originals. Hoodlum, Paradox, Delirium, Fairlight, Quartex, Hellfire, Lightforce, Prodigy, Anthrox, Prestige etc. the competition was immense. Hoodlum ruled at no point at no time, except for releasing beta versions tagging them as final sales and getting flamed for that plenty. Though they had some good proper releases just like others, to me just a mediocre group with an attitude problem. In 1990-93 however, there was… Read more »

Reply to  SIRIaX
3 years ago

Come 1995 the landscape as far as Amiga titles looked like a wasteland, as Commodore was already bankrupt and publishers finished their remaining running projects, the remnants of which were unloaded during 1993 – 1994. Then everyone abandoned the platform whose manufacturer went bankrupt. Same happened to ATARI, so it wasn’t the platform’s fault per se: manufacturer goes belly up, no point in writing new software for computers which won’t be made any more. As far as Hoodlum, their “intros” were nothing more than fancy typers. Didn’t see too many releases from them back in the day, mostly because PRESTiGE… Read more »

Reply to  SIRIaX
3 years ago

Going to agree with Siriax here. There was plenty of competition 90-93 and still enough ‘newcomers’ 94 onwards. You could argue that Prestige towards the end had little to no competition left.

Reply to  -TCB!-
3 years ago

Yes, one could argue that, there was PaRaDoX and not many more left after that point. Prodigy dabbled a bit and Anthrox released a thing or two, but the number of releases paled in comparison to PaRaDoX and PRESTiGE come 1993 – 1994. For me it’s the anthropological aspect that’s so interesting: only the true groups remain when the platform gets abandoned. In the C=64 scene, FairLight and the Genesis*Project still do things on the platform, long after everyone else hung up their hat on the wall hook… Legends never die. Perhaps someday we’ll see PRESTiGE come back and PaRaDoX… Read more »


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