In retrospect, it was a good effort group with some decent trainers and a handful (if that) of “ok” cracks. The crunched hd versions were pretty popular before WHDLoad became a thing; most popular was probably our AmiExpress Tools division that had a few releases that were widely used. BUT -to your point- the one thing we absolutely ‘ruled’ was supporting our BBS’s (HQ or distribution sites), which is why so many of our WHQ’s grew to be major boards to then get hijacked by other groups (with more major releases). In our heydays, we probably made $2000 a month… Read more »
quote: we probably made $2000 a month from distribution sites. …. only? imagine how much we did… well 2ooo per month with my PO box… besides the lot from the Distribution Sites
I have no doubt SR made more in the top days; but you had a different expense pattern as well I am guessing? I assume FFC got some money for staying at home 24/7 🙂
I was below legal age (21 at the time) for that kind of activity but you will be happy to learn I saved some of that money and moved to Asia (where I still live) and where options of that kind are plentiful 🙂
5 years ago
Simple but nice intro, i didn’t knew there was an apidya II!
There were NO Apidya I… The game was directly entitled Apidya II, if you have a closer look… IIrc, the second run (Team 17 box) had a different box. But both, the firs and second run were actually Apidya (ABIDJYA if you wanna speak Katakana) II.
Stylish, a pleasure to watch. listen and relax.
Nice intro, I like it. It is always amazing how much there is still to discover, despite the relatively short period of the Amiga scene.
Good typer “shading”. The 2pac tune rulez here. I agree, on of the bestEST GOD intro ever, even if the logo is a poor 1bpl one…
Nice text-routine, seems like a decent release too but after my Amiga days – thanks to M9 for preserving it so I can eventually see it 🙂
Nice one TCB… after my active times but given the release quality definitely tempting to join you guys that days 😀
Ooh.. that text writer dissolve routine is awe. Greets to TCB 😉
nice one. and who’s not interested in becomin’ a distribution site for these fine gentlemen?
In retrospect, it was a good effort group with some decent trainers and a handful (if that) of “ok” cracks. The crunched hd versions were pretty popular before WHDLoad became a thing; most popular was probably our AmiExpress Tools division that had a few releases that were widely used. BUT -to your point- the one thing we absolutely ‘ruled’ was supporting our BBS’s (HQ or distribution sites), which is why so many of our WHQ’s grew to be major boards to then get hijacked by other groups (with more major releases). In our heydays, we probably made $2000 a month… Read more »
quote: we probably made $2000 a month from distribution sites. …. only? imagine how much we did… well 2ooo per month with my PO box… besides the lot from the Distribution Sites
I have no doubt SR made more in the top days; but you had a different expense pattern as well I am guessing? I assume FFC got some money for staying at home 24/7 🙂
Did you at least get hookers for those parties and some action in?
I was below legal age (21 at the time) for that kind of activity but you will be happy to learn I saved some of that money and moved to Asia (where I still live) and where options of that kind are plentiful 🙂
Simple but nice intro, i didn’t knew there was an apidya II!
There were NO Apidya I… The game was directly entitled Apidya II, if you have a closer look… IIrc, the second run (Team 17 box) had a different box. But both, the firs and second run were actually Apidya (ABIDJYA if you wanna speak Katakana) II.
Thanks for the info ! 😉
😉 My pleasure =)
Did you all wait for me to comment first? 🙂 – How kind! I am too biased to say anything other than that this was probably GOD’s ‘best’ intro.
I think so too =D
We should have joined forces back then… At the very least, we would have gotten better-looking intros out of a coop 🙂