No this Genesis originated in the UK. Scott, Mr E, some others I forgot. Then we just became Angels. Eventually most of the original Genesis members started Crystal.
BTW, what was the deal with "Genesis + Angels" back then?
Is this the same Genesis as on the C=64, that guy that left for the U.S. and married that American girl who was a sysop? (Can’t remember his name right now.)
This is the only intro that doesn’t contain a scroller that I’ve ever given a 10 (in my opinion, an intro can never get a 10 no matter how good if there is no scroller). This one is an obscure piece of work, but nevertheless it’s a classic. I find the design to be simply phenomenal in its simplicity and elegance, the music is an Amiga classic – you hear this tune and you know in an instant – it must be Amiga! This intro captures the early ’90s on the Amiga. If I could think of a perfect example… Read more »
haha how spooky is this
ive just finished doing a crack tut for this game (lotus) and here we have the original cracker
Welcome Mr.E does your hazey memory remember anything funny i should look out for on this game (odd protections)
NOMAD WAR ES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER FORGET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The cracktro was written by N.O.M.A.D and was used on the Paradroid 90 crack…
I really like this tune!
a classic intro 🙂
@ Mr.E: I like that Intro – it was really easy to change the text in that intro! :crazy
where can i find a download of Gonads Crack?
classic tune/intro!! btw: if u get the module out of this there is a really funny message in it 🙂
No this Genesis originated in the UK. Scott, Mr E, some others I forgot. Then we just became Angels. Eventually most of the original Genesis members started Crystal.
BTW, what was the deal with "Genesis + Angels" back then?
Is this the same Genesis as on the C=64, that guy that left for the U.S. and married that American girl who was a sysop? (Can’t remember his name right now.)
This is the only intro that doesn’t contain a scroller that I’ve ever given a 10 (in my opinion, an intro can never get a 10 no matter how good if there is no scroller). This one is an obscure piece of work, but nevertheless it’s a classic. I find the design to be simply phenomenal in its simplicity and elegance, the music is an Amiga classic – you hear this tune and you know in an instant – it must be Amiga! This intro captures the early ’90s on the Amiga. If I could think of a perfect example… Read more »
i remember, i’ve seen it on one of the best games on Amiga : kick off 2
I remember this one on lotus esprit turbo challenge! wheh the tune rocks!
Its a classic.. the tune is very good and keeps the total impression of the intro very high 🙂
Remember that one too! Im a little hazy too…. At the time I was running US HQ for genesis/angels
capricorn was the handle back then
Sorry my brain is far too alcohol addled to remember! lol
Actually thinking about I’m sure we managed to get hold of a version of Lotus without any protection/mfm.. just don’t ask where we got it :sly
haha how spooky is this
ive just finished doing a crack tut for this game (lotus) and here we have the original cracker
Welcome Mr.E does your hazey memory remember anything funny i should look out for on this game (odd protections)
ahhh cool… say hello to steve! not spoken to him for a few years!
Hey R.., hope you’re well 🙂 Action Man says hi too, he’s on the phone with me at the moment. Nice to have a visit from an old cracker…
Woohoo! its me!! 😀
Don’t think I wrote that intro though.. its all gone a bit hazy…..
This intro was in front of Lotus AND Paranoid ! Gr8 games !
Gonads Crack, yes that’s it 🙂 Really nice !
cool tune gonads cracks i think its called.. 🙂
another 1000 times seen… but I like it