Didn’t Ice Station Zebra run some weird (well, non Ami-X) board software?! And when you think about it, how many Fusion releases were NOT cracked by Phil? 😛
True that though some cracks were supposedly done by slightly ambiguous handles 🙂
I think ISZ perhaps ran on CNET? I know another bbs also ran the same software Warez for Masses but it’s too long ago to recall. I do remember it had multinode-chat before any other software (on amiga) did.
14 years ago
I love this tune !. It was so long ago and in the same time seems to be just yesterday. The best years of my life and so many souvenirs… Happy christmas Junior ;-). Did you try to call me this nite ?
14 years ago
Man, this little piece of code saved my day. Massive Flashback. Great Tune! Thanx!
The music is superb. The logo by UNO was very nice until he started to crank out one for every group that wanted one. Total saturation, then it somehow became alot less special.
Ice Station Zebra WHQ — then this must be cracked by Phil Douglas 🙂 Professor and him always went hand-in-hand as far as I remember.
Didn’t Ice Station Zebra run some weird (well, non Ami-X) board software?! And when you think about it, how many Fusion releases were NOT cracked by Phil? 😛
True that though some cracks were supposedly done by slightly ambiguous handles 🙂
I think ISZ perhaps ran on CNET? I know another bbs also ran the same software Warez for Masses but it’s too long ago to recall. I do remember it had multinode-chat before any other software (on amiga) did.
I love this tune !. It was so long ago and in the same time seems to be just yesterday. The best years of my life and so many souvenirs… Happy christmas Junior ;-). Did you try to call me this nite ?
Man, this little piece of code saved my day. Massive Flashback. Great Tune! Thanx!
very nice fusion-intro!
love the cross-fading of the font there, a rarity back then.
mjam. fantastic tune by branko mikic (?) called SONIC.Fusion-CrackIntro. A Must! Like The gfx too!
thanks to the special brothers for their deliplayer!
The graphics and the music are SUPER! But the rest of the cracktro is somewhat boring. I want a scroller :p
The music is superb. The logo by UNO was very nice until he started to crank out one for every group that wanted one. Total saturation, then it somehow became alot less special.
yes, on of the best tunes ever. the logo is also a legend.
super gfx , super tune , everything great 🙂
I had not seen this one back in time… quite similar to another one, but still great gfx ! 🙂