The logo and tune are great, I really like the effect on the reflection too but as Loki and Janer said, the movement of the sine table should have been set at more of a contrast from the scroll speed. It just looks odd as it is.
Rather simple … Don t like sine scrollys where the vertical intervalls don t harmonize with the vertical scroll speed … simply looks wrong to me!
Nice Logo & Nice tune … thought you would safe this choon for the requested beautiful Fraxion Trainer menu which they did for Vision Factory … ;-P
A part the BG charset which is sooo (*RPGish* to me) all works well for me. Nice sinus-wave on the mirror-copper. The tune speaks for itself.
nice sroller, excellent tune…
One of my all time favourite tunes. I mean I really like this tune. Especially since it came from a scenemusician.
Yes, very nice tune and ok logo. Font indeed reminds of Faery Tale 🙂
somehow beautiful, especially the tune is great!
Never seen before.Great tune.The font reminds me of Feary Tale Adventure.
The zik by keo is just amazing! As the others said, the sinetable movement pretty much ruins the fabulous sine scroller.. funky 🙁
excellent tune by Keo, was used in many other intros as well, plain brilliant,
thx for the conversion, keep the amiga spirit alive, incredible art
The logo and tune are great, I really like the effect on the reflection too but as Loki and Janer said, the movement of the sine table should have been set at more of a contrast from the scroll speed. It just looks odd as it is.
for the scroller same as loki . tune is ofcourse great and the logo fits aswell here ..also never seen this one before
Rather simple … Don t like sine scrollys where the vertical intervalls don t harmonize with the vertical scroll speed … simply looks wrong to me!
Nice Logo & Nice tune … thought you would safe this choon for the requested beautiful Fraxion Trainer menu which they did for Vision Factory … ;-P
nice one… cool logo, scrolly and muzik 🙂
Quite a simple menu but a nice-looking sinescroll and one of my favourite FC tunes make it worth watching! Never seen it before now either, thanks M9.