always nice to see some flashtro stuff this way 🙂 … and a dragonball rules everytime 😉
12 years ago
Time’s always a problem 🙁 but if you do get the time, I’d love to see your new and improved version. 🙂 Aaah, wait a minute! I planned to do this in my own code, not improve your version! However, I will do this if your code is clean and readable. Is it clean? Is it well documented? Parametrized? Sorry if that seems strange, but I’m seriously damaged from reverse engineering and cleaning up other people’s code all day long, so if I have to do that in my spare time on top of everything, it will drive me insane.… Read more »
Annatar, to your suggestions: hires (640×400) wouldn’t work in this case unfortunately because of the loss of colour depth when taken in context with how the ball is "bounced" around. available colour depth is again the issue with anti-aliasing – there are no extra colours to do the anti-alias blending to the background colour because all the available colours are used. a scroller could be added but the text writer is doing the job instead Also, the hardware *is* at its limit in this intro: All available bitplanes are used along with all the colours, sprites (though not all) are… Read more »
– 640×400 should be bare minimum of minimum;
– it really hurts the eyes to see "jaggies": antialias;
– add a scroller.
It’s the 21st century – let’s modernize. Push the hardware. Let’s see a version two of this intro; you have a good base to work off of here, just do the last 5%…
Man you work faaaast musashi9! 😀 I didn’t expect to see this here so soon. This was a fun one to code and means I can put another effect into my own personal "done it" column. 😀 Thanks need to go to musashi9 for giving me the opportunity to put another one of my cracktros out there (I *love* making these things! :D) and to Wayne Kerr for generally shooting the breeze and giving me advice on colours. 😛 Oh, and I suppose I missed a greet in the intro to all you guys who hang around here on Flashtro… Read more »
Good music, 8×8, nice logo too but… why the DBall is not bouncing correctly.. Is there no gravity in the amiga chipsets? 😉
I haven’t seen this one before, very cool! I think this intro and the one to “Crack Down” stand out as your best.
proton: I have it on good authority from Raker/New-Y that the logo is actually a modification of the box art for the NintendoDS game "Starfy" 🙂
Good job guys!! All of you.
Annatar: no, no – your sanity is safe 😀 – I meant you should do your own code 🙂
always nice to see some flashtro stuff this way 🙂 … and a dragonball rules everytime 😉
Time’s always a problem 🙁 but if you do get the time, I’d love to see your new and improved version. 🙂 Aaah, wait a minute! I planned to do this in my own code, not improve your version! However, I will do this if your code is clean and readable. Is it clean? Is it well documented? Parametrized? Sorry if that seems strange, but I’m seriously damaged from reverse engineering and cleaning up other people’s code all day long, so if I have to do that in my spare time on top of everything, it will drive me insane.… Read more »
Ah, well… who says I blit the ball or the logo…? 🙂
Time’s always a problem 🙁 but if you do get the time, I’d love to see your new and improved version. 🙂
What about doing it the PC-bucket way and actually blitting the ball and the logo together, then doing the antialiasing?
I still have to get Workbench disks, and then catch some time to do it.
Annatar, to your suggestions: hires (640×400) wouldn’t work in this case unfortunately because of the loss of colour depth when taken in context with how the ball is "bounced" around. available colour depth is again the issue with anti-aliasing – there are no extra colours to do the anti-alias blending to the background colour because all the available colours are used. a scroller could be added but the text writer is doing the job instead Also, the hardware *is* at its limit in this intro: All available bitplanes are used along with all the colours, sprites (though not all) are… Read more »
Nice n simple. Like it pmc m8!
But I cant help myself but the logofonts look like ripped from Alfred Chicken???
Great job PMC.
Improvement suggestions:
– 640×400 should be bare minimum of minimum;
– it really hurts the eyes to see "jaggies": antialias;
– add a scroller.
It’s the 21st century – let’s modernize. Push the hardware. Let’s see a version two of this intro; you have a good base to work off of here, just do the last 5%…
Kewl. Loving this!
Loving the Dragonball 🙂
Ahh the spirit … keep it alive! Great Job!!
Dragonball :))
Very nice intro PMC, good job (again!)… and congrats to M9 for actually finishing a crack for the first time in years 😛
Man you work faaaast musashi9! 😀 I didn’t expect to see this here so soon. This was a fun one to code and means I can put another effect into my own personal "done it" column. 😀 Thanks need to go to musashi9 for giving me the opportunity to put another one of my cracktros out there (I *love* making these things! :D) and to Wayne Kerr for generally shooting the breeze and giving me advice on colours. 😛 Oh, and I suppose I missed a greet in the intro to all you guys who hang around here on Flashtro… Read more »
Great Intro, nice Typer and Dragonball! All a good intro needs. :p