This is top notch. Great design, perfect tune, PMC, think of my perspective. I just now saw this for some reason. I thought I’d seen all your releases but I missed this. You are supercritical because you have indeed seen it a million times. Mission accomplished here, in my opinion.
Tune in the intro should be mod.vf by Estrayk^PDX converted to P61 format. I hear what you mean actually – sounds "thinner" – like you say, lacking a channel or something?
M9: Tune sounds slightly different here to the one in the original intro. I sent you the one I used in case you want to update it. I think the intro would’ve looked a bit nicer with the text pages properly chopped and changed rather than hex edited but, well – it is what it is after all – just a simple little cracktro. The logo you made for it is just great. I think the page writer font looks nice and I think the dotflag is OK too with plenty of plots and a pretty sine movement but… I… Read more »
This is top notch. Great design, perfect tune, PMC, think of my perspective. I just now saw this for some reason. I thought I’d seen all your releases but I missed this. You are supercritical because you have indeed seen it a million times. Mission accomplished here, in my opinion.
Tune in the intro should be mod.vf by Estrayk^PDX converted to P61 format. I hear what you mean actually – sounds "thinner" – like you say, lacking a channel or something?
great work peeps, but what happened to the poor tune?
Sounds that there is a channel or two are missing and its running on wrong pitch????
I like it .. also the greetings part 😉
rad logo m9 🙂 love it good work guys
Very nice little intro, when I watch something like this i feel like i should be coding something for fun again myself 🙂
Green is the colour of her kind, quickness of the eye deceives the mind. ;D
Just GREAT! carry on you duracell bunnies 😉
Updated with new tune
M9: Tune sounds slightly different here to the one in the original intro. I sent you the one I used in case you want to update it. I think the intro would’ve looked a bit nicer with the text pages properly chopped and changed rather than hex edited but, well – it is what it is after all – just a simple little cracktro. The logo you made for it is just great. I think the page writer font looks nice and I think the dotflag is OK too with plenty of plots and a pretty sine movement but… I… Read more »