Yeah, cool Freshtro and at least a real trainer for this hard unplayable game !! I bought it on ST (at a time i didn’t know anything about copy protections, crackers, trainer makers… I came to life some time later 🙂 ) I never saw more than the half of the first level => A Game worth playing WITH Flashtro trainer, for sure 😉
Mate… AWESOME!! 🙂 I really cant remember that Protection and dont know the Group i get this Game from, too long ago, but it seems you tested them all 🙂
How i can start the game? I just can see the title screen…
Press the fire button on the joystick
Dont suppose there is any documentation/tutorial on how you “dealt” with this game, and produced the final ADF? 🙂
The tune is so nice, add the background: mesmerising 🙂
Yeah, cool Freshtro and at least a real trainer for this hard unplayable game !! I bought it on ST (at a time i didn’t know anything about copy protections, crackers, trainer makers… I came to life some time later 🙂 ) I never saw more than the half of the first level => A Game worth playing WITH Flashtro trainer, for sure 😉
Perfect! A working crack and lotsa trainer options, great menu also! Keep ’em coming!
Nice job M9, always good to see a 100% release of a previously b0rked game!
Cool intro and the release too 🙂 Congratz!
Mate… AWESOME!! 🙂 I really cant remember that Protection and dont know the Group i get this Game from, too long ago, but it seems you tested them all 🙂
Nice release, good work!
Wooow – sweet! Am I really going to have to reinstall WinUAE? 🙂
Cytax – Ice Intro music 🙂 … always loved the choon and the release is great too !! keep on rockin M9 😀
well done, great tune + psychedelic effect!