This looks exactly like one of the first routines I coded on the c64 when I learned 6510/VICII 5 years ago. It was an 80 col scroller. Of course my color effect was better (had movement), and I also modded mine into a proportional scroller before including the effect in a demo….wow! I could have been FLT material in 1989? This makes my day!!!
Hell, I love anything that’s the result of low-level coding no matter how ugly…but once you start speaking in comparative terms, then…
Not the greatest multiscroller 😀 Funny that in those days they could announce which cracks they are working on. Obviously the world was not 0-day those days 😀
As said previously, these kind of multiscrollers aren’t really my cup of tea. It’s a shame there’s no tune on this one either. I suppose FLT just needed a small and quick intro and nothing more.
Very crap.
You forget one important thing about this intro. It was coded by Black Shadow, who is an Amiga legend. Therefore it is per definition awesome 🙂
This must have been released right about when i got my Amiga, since i got a cracked version if Testdrive II with it.
This looks exactly like one of the first routines I coded on the c64 when I learned 6510/VICII 5 years ago. It was an 80 col scroller. Of course my color effect was better (had movement), and I also modded mine into a proportional scroller before including the effect in a demo….wow! I could have been FLT material in 1989? This makes my day!!!
Hell, I love anything that’s the result of low-level coding no matter how ugly…but once you start speaking in comparative terms, then…
Not the greatest multiscroller 😀 Funny that in those days they could announce which cracks they are working on. Obviously the world was not 0-day those days 😀
There are still new games coming out on the Amiga? Really???
4 cracks in 2 days?! I managed 4 cracks in a year during 2011… 😛
As said previously, these kind of multiscrollers aren’t really my cup of tea. It’s a shame there’s no tune on this one either. I suppose FLT just needed a small and quick intro and nothing more.