One bitplane Knight Hawks fonts is a discrase. The font was popularized by Knight Hawks (a group in later -80s) but actually made by Starfrontiers (ming afair).
music ripped from game katakis (endtheme). think it was done by darius zendeh aka. mark II from QUADLITE. logo is knighthawks font in one bitplane, font looks like the kickoff 16×16.
cool tune … the 808 always kicks ass. Very cool scroller too. What more can you want?
thanks for info mr. spiv 🙂
One bitplane Knight Hawks fonts is a discrase. The font was popularized by Knight Hawks (a group in later -80s) but actually made by Starfrontiers (ming afair).
sexy scroller! can’t go wrong with the knighthawks font.
all in all i like!
can someone tell me where the knighthawks font originally comes from? is it a game or a group or what? It was so ahead of it’s time graphically.
music ripped from game katakis (endtheme). think it was done by darius zendeh aka. mark II from QUADLITE. logo is knighthawks font in one bitplane, font looks like the kickoff 16×16.
nais work!
i dont like the music… sorry! :p
I really like the scroller!! 1 color version of KH fonts is a bit so so.. I never could stand bob starfields. The scroller really saves this intro.
Thats actually quite cool. Not a fan of the tune however….
Strange one, but quite nice. I like the scroller, it’s a bit different from the usual stuff.
muzzax rocks 🙂
this one is really cool. great tune great scroller !!!
yes i like it. cool colours, nice scroller , music is nice.