Hummm. I love SotB DW tunes, but… ehem, imho id does not do the job well. Separately, the effects are GOOD, but put together, also it does not make it for me… the time I thought having TSOTB tune inside the menu was a good idea, and I still think so. This version of the menu is still my favorite and I enjoy this simple loop of song very much. Alpha should be in possession of another decent trainer-menu that was never released before, perhaps he can assign it to you.
Hummm. I love SotB DW tunes, but… ehem, imho id does not do the job well. Separately, the effects are GOOD, but put together, also it does not make it for me…
Nice to see a “real” trainermenu from PC, and it’s a pretty good one! Maybe a bit too heavy on the alpha (one?) blending…
nice 🙂 not quite what i remember, but its still great. the time I thought having TSOTB tune inside the menu was a good idea, and I still think so. This version of the menu is still my favorite and I enjoy this simple loop of song very much. Alpha should be in possession of another decent trainer-menu that was never released before, perhaps he can assign it to you.
Which one was that? any nice effects?
some sort of nice effect. Please, approach a1 about that.