True, underrated. Why have not you used moar of his tunes than? Saying the truth, Mr.Spiv, if there were no CSL crack using his tunes, I would have never bumped into Tronic…. This tune is really magnetic one and may put one into some chip-trance. With a good BASS Sound System that one would blow the dudes a-way! BTW, what kind of tracker Tronic was using? What proggy use to play it natively (no, I am not talking about DeliPalyer). Kitoxia.
The reason was, sadly, bad group internal dynamics.. you know the “HQ side” not really paying attention & being arrogant. We (the Finns) did screw up quite a few things before the group faded more or less completely. I recall Tronic used mainly Delta Music.
This one is really beautiful! Thank musashi for conversion!!! ๐
8 years ago
I always hated it that Melon intros had no scroller(s). If this intro had it, it would be perfect. Everything else is polished in it, so what the hell was Seen thinking? I mean you can just tell it is missing, like a huge hole that just will not go away.
I think that is exactly what they didn’t want to have, and I agree. An additional scroller in it would only be another effect without apparent purpose. Melon intros were supposed to be minimalistic thats why they worked so well. Nothing was spectacular in particular but the wise usage of effects and design made them very special down to the present day. Just like sauce, less is more =D
I am of the opinion that this particular intro needs not one, but two scrollers to make it complete: one on top below the bar, and one below, above the bottom bar (or outside of the bars, either-or). Same speed. It feels terribly incomplete without them. I’m also the proponent of minimalism by way of Zen, but this intro is not it. Melon? Brainfart. In my opinion, their intros suck. Everybody else loves them, I think they’re terrible. This intro looks really slick, the music is awesome, and they still managed to ruin it. Now that’s some serious antitalent right… Read more »
Legendary Melon stuff … like this one: (love this tiny one!)
Any informations about the composer of the “micro.mod”? ๐
I asked Seen many many years ago about this and he said it was done by T.D.K and it is listed as done by TDK on AMP
Melon/Crystal – they had better ones, but this one is cool too.
I like it – cool tune.
True perfection!
Tronic/Cave ! Our underrated musician.. and I feel bad about it ๐
True, underrated. Why have not you used moar of his tunes than? Saying the truth, Mr.Spiv, if there were no CSL crack using his tunes, I would have never bumped into Tronic…. This tune is really magnetic one and may put one into some chip-trance. With a good BASS Sound System that one would blow the dudes a-way! BTW, what kind of tracker Tronic was using? What proggy use to play it natively (no, I am not talking about DeliPalyer). Kitoxia.
The reason was, sadly, bad group internal dynamics.. you know the “HQ side” not really paying attention & being arrogant. We (the Finns) did screw up quite a few things before the group faded more or less completely. I recall Tronic used mainly Delta Music.
Thx for the answer.
This jeg just great. Seen was i Rebels for a short time, but he really didn’t bloom until Melon came along.
dat muzak…awesome.
This one is really beautiful! Thank musashi for conversion!!! ๐
I always hated it that Melon intros had no scroller(s). If this intro had it, it would be perfect. Everything else is polished in it, so what the hell was Seen thinking? I mean you can just tell it is missing, like a huge hole that just will not go away.
I think that is exactly what they didn’t want to have, and I agree. An additional scroller in it would only be another effect without apparent purpose. Melon intros were supposed to be minimalistic thats why they worked so well. Nothing was spectacular in particular but the wise usage of effects and design made them very special down to the present day. Just like sauce, less is more =D
I am of the opinion that this particular intro needs not one, but two scrollers to make it complete: one on top below the bar, and one below, above the bottom bar (or outside of the bars, either-or). Same speed. It feels terribly incomplete without them. I’m also the proponent of minimalism by way of Zen, but this intro is not it. Melon? Brainfart. In my opinion, their intros suck. Everybody else loves them, I think they’re terrible. This intro looks really slick, the music is awesome, and they still managed to ruin it. Now that’s some serious antitalent right… Read more »
No sinus scroller, you see ๐
I agree with Herr SIRIaX. The scroller would have spoiled this one. And the music. I do not see the scroll with this design.