the black screen at the beginnin’ made me think something’s wrong with my computer. but the effect is quite awesome for c64. this would have been a smash hit back in the 80s.
I like it 🙂 So many colours “made” from these strange 16 of C64 🙂
6 years ago
The long wait with the Black screen and the squareness… no thanks. 1 out of 10, flop. Too much was put on showing off a mediocre demo effect and too little on design. Music is mediocre at best, and I’m really being diplomatic here. Yes, this is a “new wave” C=64 intro, but new wave done very poorly. There are far more demo effects in the newest C=64 demos which belong into intros, but this isn’t one of them I’m afraid.
pretty effect that’s for sure.
that effect is pretty cool for c64.. Was going to moan about a broken intro after the long wait 😉 nice in the end.
the black screen at the beginnin’ made me think something’s wrong with my computer. but the effect is quite awesome for c64. this would have been a smash hit back in the 80s.
This is a nice one! Now that the logo would do x-movement this would be ace 😉
I like it 🙂 So many colours “made” from these strange 16 of C64 🙂
The long wait with the Black screen and the squareness… no thanks. 1 out of 10, flop. Too much was put on showing off a mediocre demo effect and too little on design. Music is mediocre at best, and I’m really being diplomatic here. Yes, this is a “new wave” C=64 intro, but new wave done very poorly. There are far more demo effects in the newest C=64 demos which belong into intros, but this isn’t one of them I’m afraid.
That’s awesome, such a cool effect… reminds me of old Dexion (and many other) copper demos on Amiga…
once it appears it is quite worth watchin’ – like the bg effect.