I am in disbelief that the best Amiga intro and music ever made is still not on here. Classic Paradroid 90 intro with Dezecrator introgasm mod. Please Musashi!
Never seen this one before. The nice tune is by Covert Action Team (Groo & Rufferto) of Essence, part of their ‘Enchantment’ series. Great Classic Ascii logo by Shapechanger!
6 years ago
Hey! That’s Westbam’s “Celebration Generation” in the tune!
I am in disbelief that the best Amiga intro and music ever made is still not on here. Classic Paradroid 90 intro with Dezecrator introgasm mod. Please Musashi!
Ahhh hidden line vectors. Now personally I love those – wonder why they weren’t more widely used as line and filled were. They just look so cool.
Ok.. line vectors with hidden lines is always ok.
Never seen this one before. The nice tune is by Covert Action Team (Groo & Rufferto) of Essence, part of their ‘Enchantment’ series. Great Classic Ascii logo by Shapechanger!
Hey! That’s Westbam’s “Celebration Generation” in the tune!
What does he mean by “I know linking sux”???
haha nice find!
Sounds like this is a BBS intro which has been linked in front of an actual crack intro / release by another group.
This intro exe was attached (merged) to the main game exe so you cant run the game without running this intro first
That’s the way it should be. I don’t know why that wasn’t the standard on Amiga.
Cute… Just the text on the bottom doesn’t quite fit the overall design or am I being difficult again? 🙂
You’re kinda sorta right, actually….
intro looks quite okay, music is decent too. I wondern if this was an official (new) classic release?