that was the time close before apollo left for Paradox and begun a war with Prodigy where I did the trainers for once. Also this game was supplied with a stolen Prodigy distribution account in germany.
Apollo got knocked down by our supplier in real life at this time 🙂
Cool tune, really pretty and smooth glenz object. Overall a nice one, even though that weird white face on the right hand side creeps me out… 😀
Very stylish intro overall.
Can only agree, tune’s a true earworm.
What an unbelievably wicked tune! I’ve been listening to it for an hour now, absolutely infectious! <3
The whole intro is cool, but the regular gripe about lack of scroll applies…
i think the mod is looped wrong in this flashtro.
nice logo. toon is surrender…mod by meo/abyss
nice intro.. really rocking tune!
i only remember it was a bavarian guy who made this AWESOME tune..
god damn cant remember how often i put this intro on a bootblock
still love the design and music
classic 🙂
it’s a f*****’ class intro by classic! :love
Tune by Mem’o’ree/Abyss if memory serves me right. Nice intro.
which bitch has done this fine tune? any infos???
ui, never noticed that one. great effect with this bouncing shape!
great tune!!
that was the time close before apollo left for Paradox and begun a war with Prodigy where I did the trainers for once. Also this game was supplied with a stolen Prodigy distribution account in germany.
Apollo got knocked down by our supplier in real life at this time 🙂
Awesome ! :=)
well designed one !
Wow, the tune really brings back memories…