I like this… Writer screen not very well centered vs top/bottom logo but well… I used to mailswap with some guys in Cave but don’t remember this… Maybe I had moved on to l33t modem trading by then /sarcasm.
Take take take take take. tsk tsk tsk One of these days Mr Spiv you will GIVE GIVE GIVE
Copper INTRO cough cough
😛 https://www.flashtro.com/cave-tank.zip
I like this… Writer screen not very well centered vs top/bottom logo but well… I used to mailswap with some guys in Cave but don’t remember this… Maybe I had moved on to l33t modem trading by then /sarcasm.
Heck.. don’t remember this one (nor it was done by me.. except for the font). Who did the zik?
maybe (ii)
by d r . f a t e
you don’t happen to have the original intro somewhere to download?
Take take take take take. tsk tsk tsk One of these days Mr Spiv you will GIVE GIVE GIVE
Copper INTRO cough cough
Thanks! And.. yes. Eventually!
Download link does not work anymore.
Awesome music !
Kinda serious… I like it. Nice colours too.