@Martin Cool! And yes, quite many of us had funny custom disk systems 😉
Martin of the Cardinals
11 years ago
@ mr.spiv yes we had an own syntethic music creator. The screen was like asmone / seka at that time, editor with functions like copy with higer period, copy some intruments and change them. Total syntetic, music 2-5 kb. The player was not cpu heavy, only 10 rasterlines max!.
Martin of the Cardinals
11 years ago
This song I think was from the Time Circle which had also an own music player/editor: BSPlayer. I made a lot of crack intro’s. I think I was the first with a boot intro. My copy routine was the fastest at Amiga, for floppy’s. My copy routine did first the upperside of a floppy, then the head of the drive back and then lowerside, backwards. It was much faster then for example XCopy. I build also a copy protection. You have to realise that at that time the drive was not always spinning at same speed. A track has a… Read more »
Judging by the greetings, this was ’88 or ’89 or +/- 25 years ago. That makes you a really old fart today (like me:)). Would have been really nice without the smiley’s. And Dutch colors all over 🙂 (Orange on top / Flag colors in the bottom copper). Pretty good imo…
Welcome!. Wow only 14 ? Great stuff for a 14 year old. Did you make an other cracktros?
Martin of the Cardinals
11 years ago
I am the original coder of this intro. I think I was 14 years when I made this. For years I was the coder of the Cardinals and made a lot of stuff. The logo was made by a boy who lived in Oldenzaal. The spreader of this game was Henk of the Cardinals. Earlier name of him was Dutch Copy Crew. The music is synthetic music. No samples but little wafevorms with adsl waveform and period change waveform.
Thanks for sharing and making.
The Cardinals
We aren’t the best, we only try!
mr.spiv No, they are not in synch with the music since that is impossible since the music is in mp3 and not in .mod. However they doesn’t look that synched in the real one anyways 🙂
Prett ok intro. Music is nice as well as the logo.. to be honest, the equalizers are annoying :plain Also, I don’t if it is due the remake but those do not seem to be in sync with the music.
@Martin Cool! And yes, quite many of us had funny custom disk systems 😉
@ mr.spiv yes we had an own syntethic music creator. The screen was like asmone / seka at that time, editor with functions like copy with higer period, copy some intruments and change them. Total syntetic, music 2-5 kb. The player was not cpu heavy, only 10 rasterlines max!.
This song I think was from the Time Circle which had also an own music player/editor: BSPlayer. I made a lot of crack intro’s. I think I was the first with a boot intro. My copy routine was the fastest at Amiga, for floppy’s. My copy routine did first the upperside of a floppy, then the head of the drive back and then lowerside, backwards. It was much faster then for example XCopy. I build also a copy protection. You have to realise that at that time the drive was not always spinning at same speed. A track has a… Read more »
@Martin was the music player/system was self-made?
Judging by the greetings, this was ’88 or ’89 or +/- 25 years ago. That makes you a really old fart today (like me:)). Would have been really nice without the smiley’s. And Dutch colors all over 🙂 (Orange on top / Flag colors in the bottom copper). Pretty good imo…
Welcome!. Wow only 14 ? Great stuff for a 14 year old. Did you make an other cracktros?
I am the original coder of this intro. I think I was 14 years when I made this. For years I was the coder of the Cardinals and made a lot of stuff. The logo was made by a boy who lived in Oldenzaal. The spreader of this game was Henk of the Cardinals. Earlier name of him was Dutch Copy Crew. The music is synthetic music. No samples but little wafevorms with adsl waveform and period change waveform.
Thanks for sharing and making.
The Cardinals
We aren’t the best, we only try!
@proton: turicon rulez! 😉
kill me softly, but the smilies in the bottom are more than lame… argh, my eye!! the rest is oldsCOOL!
Blast from the past.
Ok logo, though.
thats what i also thought loki… gotta have a look after this game 😉
Exactly Proton …
immediately recognized "Turricon" as well …
seems like this game really existed ?! …
Oh and again turricon. Like in PARANOIMIA cracktro . :dontgetit:dontgetit:dontgetit
never heard of that cru. anyway, i like the music and the bouncing effect of the scroller
nice tune here… logo is also ok
mr.spiv No, they are not in synch with the music since that is impossible since the music is in mp3 and not in .mod. However they doesn’t look that synched in the real one anyways 🙂
hmm,,, this is not bad , funny sound the junmping srites are ok, font solala… #
5-6 on the scala of 10!
Prett ok intro. Music is nice as well as the logo.. to be honest, the equalizers are annoying :plain Also, I don’t if it is due the remake but those do not seem to be in sync with the music.