This is the Futuresoft (well, BusSoft) intro that I remember from back in the day, real nostalgia!
7 years ago
classic stuff here with a funny little ‘bus’ animation, best part is the music, and of course Hybris a fantastic shoot’em up. too bad Hybris is not availabe in the app store, android and so on.
BusSoft 😀 Gfx is rather… well, but at least ST tune is fine! 😀
Now that’s some ugly (colored) font there.. ruins otherwise “nice” oldie. Uncle Tom’s zik is always fabulous.
I would call this music anything but “fabulous”. It reeks of the ST sample disks which came with SoundTracker and the tune is… random notes?
Compare this and something like “Monday” by Random Voice and they are worlds apart in quality or ingenuity.
Does anyone have any info on the tune? It was also used by Silpheed of Hitmen on his PSX GreenTro as I recall.
called THE SONG by Uncle Tom
Cheers M9 and thanks for all your work!
This is the Futuresoft (well, BusSoft) intro that I remember from back in the day, real nostalgia!
classic stuff here with a funny little ‘bus’ animation, best part is the music, and of course Hybris a fantastic shoot’em up. too bad Hybris is not availabe in the app store, android and so on.