The Black Monks were good friends of us, they especially liked Duncan. Never could figure out exactly _why_ though… 😀 As for the intro: the muzak supports it, as I already stated for quite a few intros. Nice to see this one back. Thanks blAZER, you’re gonna get me even more addicted! 🙂
font is stolen from the oks-copper demo. music sounds corrupt. it hops in the patterns. maybe a java problem?
not the cutest intro. i loved there text-routine in r-type I crack, where the nice huelsbeck music started.
wasn’t ffc a member of them? and mnemotron, one of the upper-range german coders/crackers?
black monks never won a design contest!
What happened to the music ? Sounds corrupt.
nice style 😉
The Black Monks were good friends of us, they especially liked Duncan. Never could figure out exactly _why_ though… 😀 As for the intro: the muzak supports it, as I already stated for quite a few intros. Nice to see this one back. Thanks blAZER, you’re gonna get me even more addicted! 🙂
cool tune!
but god awful font, logo and colors.. Who was is that mad monks joined with to become black monks? (i always thought mad monks was a better name :-))
I kept watching and waiting for quite long time that the logo would have done some module shrinking & stretching effect :sly
oh my god.. blood money tune .. i fucking love this …. where is the money…
i don’t like the gfx , i don’t like the colours.. music is ok!