i like the color shema, the scroller and the music is really great . the logo is cool,too
14 years ago
Ahh Goonzy great work!! Thanks for the quick response and fantastic conversion 😀 … The total design of this one is obviously not one of the best … What a damn ugly green logo together with a weird color collection for the stars …lol!
Nevertheless, the scroller is great (which you managed to make it look smoother than in the original) and you won t find that choon on any other release as far as I am aware of … ahh so cute! Thanks again Goonzy and please keep up the performance! 🙂
Nahhhhhh =(…. Only the scrollerand the tune saves it (but a little bit)…
Good scroller, the rest is pretty crap.
Scroller is awesome.. good zik. The rest is something even I could draw.. which is scary 🙂
quite nice… some more worx on the stars could improve it a lot. Thanks Goonzy!
i like the color shema, the scroller and the music is really great . the logo is cool,too
Ahh Goonzy great work!! Thanks for the quick response and fantastic conversion 😀 … The total design of this one is obviously not one of the best … What a damn ugly green logo together with a weird color collection for the stars …lol!
Nevertheless, the scroller is great (which you managed to make it look smoother than in the original) and you won t find that choon on any other release as far as I am aware of … ahh so cute! Thanks again Goonzy and please keep up the performance! 🙂
Great tune.
Really like thescroller.
Like the rest oo. Don`t know really why 😀 Has some charme.
Clearly the best logo from the amiga days, and possibly the best bobs also…
Great scroller 🙂
Yeah, it’s a nice !
same as stormbringer and scheisslogin
sexy snake scroller! indeed the logo and flying balls could have been more elaborated
sry, the logo by lord jagged is ugly and so are the star-balls. nice font and beautiful z-out tune make it 4/10
Best logo ever? I think so!