Ripping and rearranging the word BEAST to get a BETAS logo is about at the level of graphical skills I can personally relate to 😀 Upscroll around coppper, decent enough lower scroll font and copper reflection are nice additions.
The group name was from the guys in Scandanavia that I had no choice in, but the logo was done by me. Reality is that it was complete luck that Shadow of the Beast existed and the lettering matched up. I’m also totally rubbish at graphics so I went with it. 😀 I was never happy with the S as a 5, but it’s better to own how lame it was than try modify it :D. hehe I look back and laugh now myself 🙂
Nice groupname, sadly i’ve never been member of that group… Alpha1 of Beta5 would be funny somehow lol
This could have been a perfect ten intro with better graphics and music, because the logo routine is really slick.
One wonders what went through the coder’s head when he or she decided to release it like this?
Ripping and rearranging the word BEAST to get a BETAS logo is about at the level of graphical skills I can personally relate to 😀 Upscroll around coppper, decent enough lower scroll font and copper reflection are nice additions.
Makes you wonder whether they named their group that way because of the logo or did they just get lucky?
The group name was from the guys in Scandanavia that I had no choice in, but the logo was done by me. Reality is that it was complete luck that Shadow of the Beast existed and the lettering matched up. I’m also totally rubbish at graphics so I went with it. 😀 I was never happy with the S as a 5, but it’s better to own how lame it was than try modify it :D. hehe I look back and laugh now myself 🙂
Nice font & beast logo with a good twist 😉
I like the little bounce effect on the logo, the rest is ok 🙂
HA, the skills were improving =). Nice bounce-effect, very nice music and cool scroll-copper!